Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Airport layout plans: a collaborative effort that ensures safety, efficiency and funding for public airports

An Airport Layout Plan (ALP) is a formal public document

required by MnDOT and the Federal Aviation Administration

(FAA), and consists of a set of large format (24" x 36")

detailed overhead drawings of the entire airport. ALPs are

important because they give airport managers and others a

comprehensive and accessible picture of airport infrastructure

that helps provide a long-term, comprehensive planning

strategy. ALPs may be prepared in conjunction with,

and in support of master plans, long term comprehensive

plans (LTCPs), and zoning documents. The Narrative Report

or Master Plan that typically accompanies the ALP provides

detailed information about current and projected activity

levels at the airport, facility requirements, alternatives and

recommendations, and an implementation plan.

There are somewhat different ALP requirements in

Minnesota depending on whether the airport is in the federal

system, or the airport is state-funded only. Airports in the

FAA Report, National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems

(NPIAS), need to meet all state and federal rules and design

criteria. Non-NPIAS airports in Minnesota must prepare

ALPs according to state guidelines. Individual layout sheets

that comprise the airport layout plan set will vary with each

planning effort. Drawings that might be included are

described below:

• Title sheet – A separate cover sheet, with approval

signature blocks, airport location maps, and other

pertinent information.

• Airport Data Sheet

• Airport layout plan –Shows the entire airport, and

depicts details of the existing and future airport


• Terminal/Building area drawing – Shows all existing or

planned buildings and related infrastructure. It is used

to review safety, security, and funding eligibility.

• Inner portion of the approach surface drawing – Shows

details of the approach surfaces and other zones, such as those required by the local FAA office or state agency, runway

protection zone, clear zone, Zone A, etc.

• Airport airspace drawing

• Zoning/Land-use drawing

• Airport property map/Exhibit A sheet

An ALP's drawings typically show the airport as it exists today, plus

near-term plans (0-5 years), long-term plans (6-10 years), and potential

development plans (11-20 years). The ALP includes the facility's

graphical plan layout with design and operational data, airspace information

required for aircraft approach and departure procedures,

building area graphics and meteorological data, as well as property

and land use information for the airport and surrounding area. That

information is important, as it's used to develop and implement airport

licensing, safety zoning, and community land use requirements.

On average, it takes approximately two years to complete an ALP and

they are typically updated every five to 10 years, depending on the airport's

classification and development needs. Current, well prepared,

and approved ALPs are vital for safe, effective operations and development

of Minnesota airports. An approved ALP ensures the safety, utility

and efficiency of the airport, helps plan and deliver maintenance

and improvement projects that meet design standards, and are

required for public funding. Up-to-date airport planning documents

allow better funding decisions for each airport, and across the entire

aviation system.

In order to prepare an ALP, a consultant is typically tasked by the airport

sponsor to prepare the document. ALPs require coordination

between the Airport's sponsor, consultants, FAA, MnDOT Aeronautics

office, airport users, key stakeholders, and public involvement activities.

There will be a review of the airport's existing conditions, determination

of current and future airport "design aircraft," fixed based

aircraft, and operations forecasts, determination of facility needs,

evaluation of potential alternatives, and estimates of capital costs and

phases. Good communication between all stakeholders is a critical

component to creating a quality ALP. Pilots and other users can contribute

by reporting any perceived unsafe or inefficient operational

conditions to the airport manager or the MnDOT Aeronautics office.

We're always open to new ideas, and welcome input from those who

use our airports to help keep infrastructure safe, well maintained, and

functional for pilots and the local community.

Developing an ALP, and their associated reports, is a collaborative

effort that involves the airport sponsor, airport users, the surrounding

community, and State and Federal agencies. A quality ALP provides

the necessary information to maintain a safe, cost-effective airport

– one that creates and enriches economic and recreational

opportunities for the community it serves, for years.


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