Has your club or organization been looking for another reason
to fly for a purpose? If so, then you may be interested in
the National Weather Service program called Weather Ready
Nation Ambassadors. This program encourages groups to be
proactive in communicating with the National Weather
Service, which is always a good thing for pilots.
Examples of services that flying clubs could provide to the
NWS are photos of flood waters, snow depth, straight line
wind damage, etc. The NWS relies on the public for reports of
weather related damage and who is better than a pilot to
obtain that information?
While planning to assist with obtaining photos, it is important
to remember some basic aviation rules. Always check for
TFR activity after a major weather event and abide by TFR
rules. Adhere to the VFR minimum altitude restrictions and
be aware of media helicopters, public safety aircraft and UAV
traffic in the area. Have a passenger take the photos whenever
possible so you as the pilot can focus on the maneuvering
flight and watching for traffic. Information that is useful
would be any photos depicting damage to property or environment
and include location coordinates. This information
would be sent to the local NWS station in that area.
You can find out more about NWS Weather Ready Nation
Ambassadors at https://www.weather.gov/wrn/ambassadors.
Assisting the folks at the NWS (who also assist us in planning
safe flight) is a great way to give back to the community while
providing a service that only general aviation can provide.
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