Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Historic Beechcraft Bonanza Gets Avionics Upgrade

EAA Chapter 54 Member Jay Schrankler Buys Debonair

An FAA Registry and N-Number inquiry provides the basic information about Jay Schrankler's recently acquired 1965 Beechcraft Bonanza Debonair 35-C33.

There a whole lot more to the story, however. The aircraft has been a Minnesota aviation fixture its entire operating life. That's one reason why Schrankler has a refined strategy for improving the aircraft's 1980's era avionics.

Lake Elmo EAA Chapter 54 members learned about Schrankler's plans for the Debonair last November. The Beacon newsletter provided this summary:

The Debonair was purchased by the former Minnesota Department of Aeronautics...


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