When I open a certain social media application, I look at a screen which asks "What is on your mind?" I am going to use that inspiration today to share a few thoughts regarding what is on all of our minds...the price of fuel. I'm not just talking about avgas. Nope. I'm talking about gas for my car, which takes me from home to the office, and also gas for the airplane.
I know that I'm am not to talk about politics, on behalf of the Minnesota Pilots Association, a "501(c)3" non-profit organization, as we are to remain "apolitical," if that is a word, and if that is even possible.
I am going to share some comments that are valid for all parts of the political landscape since we are all in this together. Democrats. Republicans. Independents. We are all Americans and we are all
starting to feel the impact of fuel prices and the inflation that is accompanying those skyrocketing fuel prices.
Throughout my flying career I have found it remarkable that we are blessed to live in a country which is rich in many resources, including many natural resources which provide easy, cheap, access to fuel. We have been aware that those who live in virtually any other part of our planet have faced very high prices for petroleum-based fuels which have placed $7 per gallon for automobile and aviation fuels. Our friends in Europe have found themselves paying high prices for many, many years and this, along with significant flight restrictions, have made us quite complacent as we fly around our state with few restrictions, as we refuel at virtually any airport with prices less than half
of what our aviation friends pay in their own countries. Complacency is a complicated term, but perhaps it best describes our posture in
the last 50 years.
I think we have become complacent in not holding our elected officials accountable for the lack of leadership. I think we have blindly and unwisely assumed that they will take care of us, after all, because we are truly all in this together.
Do I know what correct answer is in terms of lowering fuel costs? I am afraid not. I am not a financial wizard, nor do I understand economics well enough to formulate a coherent policy. I think you folks are in the same boat, as we rely on private industry and our elected officials to fix the problem. I think we have become complacent in not holding our elected officials accountable for the lack of leadership. I think we have blindly and unwisely assumed that they will take care of us,
after all, because we are truly all in this together. At this point we can see the error of our ways, and it is time we take back control of many aspects of our lives, and hold our elected officials accountable for their actions.
We are going to have to change from being apolitical to being politically active and demand explanations from those who represent us for a variety of issues, not the least of which is the price of fuel.
Please express your opinions and suggestions to your elected officials. Become proactive. We have much to lose should we not do so.
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