The time for the 2022 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering (GMAG) is upon us, at long last, and we feel that this year's event will be a most memorable one for each of us.
The Good Lord knows that we have had a long, hard winter and we are hoping that we will be blessed with clear skies and nice, warm temperatures!
While we have assembled what we feel is an outstanding group of speakers, and an outstanding number of exhibitors and sponsors, we feel we are gathering each and every one who loves and supports
aviation in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest. Through numerous speakers and exhibitors we will be showcasing why aviation is so special, why it brings together people from many walks of life to celebrate on this special weekend. One of the things that we feel is unique about the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering is the opportunity to see aviators and aviation enthusiasts in a non-crowded venue, in an environment which makes it easy to communicate with one another, an environment in which we can walk right up to the people who are speakers and chat with them one on one.
While I really love going to Oshkosh, and see the many beautiful air machines, there are a lot of people most of whom I don't pretend to know. While that anonymity is sometimes a good thing, we think the GMAG provides a more nurturing environment for rekindling old friendships and making new friends.
That is one of the most important parts of our event, and we work diligently to make it so. It isn't just about the airplanes, it is about the people. Thank heavens we can leave Zoom meetings behind and enjoy each other . . . in person!
Each year, we honor the sunrises and the sunsets in aviation during our Awards Session, which takes place this year at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 21. We do so by honoring the sunrises of aviation by recognizing the young people who are specially chosen as recipients of four aviation scholarships. These remarkable young people represent the investment that the Minnesota Pilots Association has made in securing the future of aviation. We honor the sunsets of aviation by honoring the recipients of the Master Pilot and Master Mechanic Awards, praising those who have exemplified the very best in aviation.
We greatly enjoy seeing the friends and families who come to support and recognize their loved ones as these honors are recognized. If you are a member of the Minnesota Pilots Association you have not only the sense of fulfilling the calling of supporting aviation in Minnesota, but also complimentary admission to the GMAG. This is
a considerable value. You also are a vital part of making the aviation scholarships and Master Pilot and Master Mechanics awards possible. We are making changes in our website to make it the go to place for general aviation so that you can more clearly see the difference you are making.
We look forward to seeing you at the GMAG!
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