Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Education Is Key Mission Of Minnesota Pilots Association

Remember back in the days of your youth when you were trying to figure out how you were going to afford tuition for your trade school training, or for your post-high school education?

I’m sure you do and most likely you are now becoming aware of this issue for your children, or grandchildren.

Let’s face it, post-high school education is not cheap! Flying lessons? That might have been entirely off the radar screen for you and for today’s young people.

One of the keystones of the mission of the Minnesota Pilots Association is to promote education, and to encourage young people to develop the love of aviation and consider careers in aviation. With that in mind we have established scholarships to be awarded to those who apply and are qualified. We have been blessed with applicants who truly love aviation and wish to further their studies.

The Ed Erickson Aviation Scholarship and the Janette Strathy Aviation Scholarships are awarded to those individuals who are pursuing careers as professional pilots. The Minnesota Pilots Association Aviation Maintenance/Avionics Technician award is annually awarded to an individual who is pursuing training as an aircraft maintenance technician or as an aviation avionics technician.

We are now actively seeking applicants for these $2,000-each scholarships, with a deadline of April 1, 2022. We would encourage any who are reading this column and who may be aware of a young person who might qualify and benefit from our scholarships to visit our website,, and submit an application. For additional questions send an email to Patrick Halligan at

We have been surprised at how few individuals will take the time to apply for these scholarships. We would suggest that not only do

recipients reap the financial rewards inherent in the scholarships, but also they strengthen their resumes when it comes time to gain employment!

For those of you who have attended Great Minnesota Aviation Gatherings in the past, and attended our annual awards session, it is heartwarming to see many of the awardees step up to receive their scholarship awards.

Not only are they beaming with appreciation, so are their loved ones who attend to witness their youngsters receiving the awards. It is a really big deal for a variety of reasons and we thank those who are members of the Minnesota Pilots Association, whose membership dues fund these scholarships.

In addition to funding these scholarships our funds are used to purchase the FAA Master Pilots Awards, many of which are presented at the GMAG. These awesome individuals come forth with their families and close friends to receive their beautiful award plaques and the expressed emotions are a joy to behold. We make a difference in these people’s lives, all through your support. The award ceremony will be held at 1300 hours on Saturday, May 21, 2022, at the Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE), which is hosting the 2022 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering. Please encourage young people to apply for the scholarships, and please join us at the GMAG! It is your event, and we look forward to seeing you there!


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