Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Preflight Planning Is Crucial To Successful Events

As we hunker down during these cold months a few of us will don our BVD's and head out into the snow to ski plane fly, enjoying the beauty of our snow covered landscape. Others will hunker down into our easy chair, enjoy the warmth of our homes and simply dream as to what we look

forward to when the cold has abated. Spring is just a short time away (we tell ourselves) and thoughts turn to being able to enjoy the annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering.

When we take a walk down memory taxiway who can forget the first GMAGs, held at the Anoka County-Blaine airport, replete with tent flaps snapping in the cold sleet as we walked between Greg Herrick's Golden Wings Flying Museum and the tent and EAA Chapter 237's hangar? Held in March! Who can forget the piles of snow we experienced the first year at the Buffalo Municipal airport?

Despite all the hurdles, trials and tribulations, the spirit of aviation prevailed and many wonderful memories and friendships have been forthcoming.

Preflight planning is a crucial part of having a successful flight. Sure, as pilots we have to be able to zig and zag depending upon the environment we find ourselves in when we open the hangar door, but good planning is essential.

The same goes for preflighting for the GMAGs, as our thoughts are now turned how we can best serve our members at this year's event.

With this thought in mind we are well into planning for the 2022 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, to be held on Friday and Saturday, May 20-21 at the Buffalo Municipal Airport. The leadership of the Minnesota Pilots Association has recognized the importance of "pre-conference" planning in hosting a successful aviation event. While there are some things that we cannot control there are many that we can. To that end we would welcome any suggestions that you may have regarding the 2022 GMAG and how we might make it even more successful.

Do you have an idea regarding a topic that you feel should be covered? Do you have a speaker in mind that you have heard and would like to be included in the GMAG? Is there a special food truck that tickles your culinary fancy? Want to add a camp out at the Buffalo airport or at the Maple Lake airport in conjunction with the GMAG? Is there a vendor that you feel might be a good fit for exhibiting at the GMAG? Please take a moment to send your suggestions to, and we promise to look into your suggestions. After all, it is your event.

The GMAG will be here before you know it, folks. We hope you will pencil the event into your calendars. We do have some new social events to add to the event, and we hope to entice you to attend both days of the event. It is a wonderful time, an excellent opportunity to celebrate aviation in Minnesota!


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