Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Minnesota Flyer Community Annoucements

Please check with contacts in this column to see if dates have been cancelled or changed. Send your event information to We will publish as we have space available.

March 5: ICEPORT 2022 Fly-In Brunch, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with prize drawings 1 p.m. at Mac's Twin Bay Resort, Mille Lacs Lake. Pilots monitor 122.9. There is no fee for this event but donations welcome. For info, contact Mark Priglmeier (320) 200-8050 or

March 19: EAA Chapter 965 Aitkin Ski-Wheels Fly-In 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Goodwill offering; chili and hotdogs. Contact: Trudi Amundson (612) 963-1536 or

April 23: Bloomington, MN: Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Class of 2022 Induction Banquet. The Intercontinental Hotel

MSP Airport, 5005 Glumack Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55450. Contact Reservation Chairperson Carol Candsale (952) 906-2833 or Send all refund requests to and include a mailing address.


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