Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

GMAG Volunteers Create Another Great Event

Another Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering (GMAG) has come and gone, the 7th annual event. We truly hope you enjoyed YOUR event again this year.

One of the unique things about our event is that it serves not only as an example of how important aviation is to Minnesotans, but it also serves as a reminder that organizations, like the Minnesota Pilots Association, are alive and well despite the challenges facing all-volunteer associations.

The GMAG was once again put together by all volunteers. The entire planning process and the infrastructures which permitted the event to be a success was carried out by some very busy people. The people who planned the event, who solicited sponsors and exhibitors and advertisers donated their time.

Those who prepared the awards volunteered their time, just as those were recognized for their terrific number of Young Eagles flights did so gratis. There are those who donated their time to support their local EAA chapters by marshaling aircraft and airplanes at the GMAG.

Those who freely gave of their time to develop the program guide did so voluntarily. Those who agreed to share their knowledge

as speakers at each and every Hangar Flying Session used their time to provide their bios, their photographs, their synopses and did so voluntarily. The extensive preparation in order to collect their thoughts and synthesize them into excellent presentations was donated to us. Now one would think that an expert really doesn't have to do much to prepare a presentation, since by definition they should know more about the subject matter than anyone in the audience. As a frequent speaker I can tell you that for every hour presentation we give, at least a dozen hours were needed to fine tune our presentations, prepare PowerPoint files, accumulate photos and other audiovisual aids and transform that into language that our audiences, no matter how sophisticated, can understand.

There are those who volunteered to staff the exhibit spaces for two days. Easy right? Well, even for those who represented companies the sacrifices made to give up a Friday and a weekend day are nothing to sneeze at. It takes time and effort to fulfill the commitment of the company or organization so that we, as aviators attending the Gathering, can know that they are committed to aviation.

Last, but certainly not least, are the life partners of those mentioned above. Our wives, husbands, children and others close to us know of the commitment of time and sweat equity that goes into events such as the GMAG. Most of us are busy enough in our personal and professional lives to give time to making the GMAG happen, even if we are so-called "retired." I know that there are those who I depend upon the most that are really too busy to ask for help. They step forward on their own when they know help is needed, and I thank and salute you!

Here's to those who volunteer! Thank you! Thank you very much!


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