Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

GMAG's return brings fresh air, airplanes, aviators

The 2021 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering (GMAG) is just around the corner and we truly hope to see you at the Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE) on Friday and Saturday, May 21-22, 2021!

We have put together a terrific lineup of speakers and topics over the two days of celebrating aviation in Minnesota.

There are many nice things about enjoying fellowship with fellow aviators and supporters of aviation and for many of us it has been a long time coming! The last GMAG was held at the Buffalo Airport and we had the best turnout of people in the history of the GMAGs. By moving the event into mid-May, we feel we will have an even better turnout of people flying in! Don’t forget to bring your tie-downs and chocks!

The diversity of people who attend the GMAG is remarkable. Experimental Aircraft Association members always turn out in large numbers, bringing with them a great deal of ingenuity and enthusiasm. The EAA chapters will have exhibit booths at the GMAG and many will fly their creations into the event, so plan to walk along the flightline and see what the EAA members can do with their skills. We have many who fly their Cessna, Beechcraft, Piper, and Cirrus aircraft into the event and it is a great deal of fun to check out these aircraft, as well. Who knows, rumor has it that there will be a number of warbirds flying in, too, and that will be a wonderful sight to behold!

One of the high points of the GMAG is the Award Session, to be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 22. This is a unique opportunity for the FAA to recognize Master Pilot Awardees right here in the midst of their peers. What a heart-warming experience it is to have the family and friends of these awesome aviators there to see the awards bestowed. We also have the opportunity to recognize the recipients of the Ed Erickson and Janette Strathy Scholarships, and the Minnesota Pilots Association’s Aviation Technician Scholarship. These scholarships are a great investment in the future of aviation, and are funded by the Minnesota Pilots Association.

I think we have one of the best group of speakers we have ever assembled at our GMAGs. These kind people donate their time and expertise for you to enjoy and appreciate, and we hope to see you at the GMAG for both days of the event. Hotels are still available in the area, and we hope you will join us for the bonfire on Friday evening. For lodging details and a schedule of events, please visit our website at

We have planned the GMAG to be a COVID-19 safe event, but encourage you to take whatever measures you feel necessary to protect yourself. One of the great things about having the event in May will be the distinct possibility of having the hangar doors open!

Fresh air, airplanes and aviators! It doesn’t get better than this!


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