Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Happy Thanksgiving!

Your Thanksgiving Holiday may look different this year but there is still much to be thankful for.

That is why in this season of Giving Thanks we at the Minnesota Flyer would like take this opportunity to say “Thank You” to all of you!

Thank You to our advertisers who continue to run their ad even when so many businesses have been hit hard by the ongoing pandemic and uncertain economy.

Thank You to our columnists for working diligently to provide quality material to fill our pages even in the absence of annual aviation events.

Thank You to the photographers, professional and casual, for the great photos you have provided us.

Thank You to our readers for your continued support and subscription renewals.

Thank You to everyone who has sent in letters, emails, or made phone calls filled with encouraging words. Your words are appreciated more than you know.

It is because of all of you the Minnesota Flyer has been able to continue to fly for over 60 years! We are Thankful for YOU!


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