As I roll to the start of the runway,
I look eagerly to the sky
for the tower has cleared me for takeoff
and again I am committed to fly.
As the nose of the airplane lines up
with the solid white line on the black,
there is a feeling of joy as the engine roars and
there is no turning back.
With throttle full forward, it isn’t long
before the spinning prop becomes so strong
and the roll that started slow at first,
is racing to free me from the earth.
My heart pounds a little, for I can feel
that moment of truth is near
when a slight backward force is all it takes
to lift me free and clear.
The gear comes up to smooth the climb,
the power reset too
and the earth starts to fade as I climb to the sky
en route to my rendezvous.
With altitude reached, I level off
for this is the place in the sky
assigned to me for a little while,
where no one else can fly.
With cruise power set and course locked in, the
engine no longer roars,
but rather it hums a beautiful song
that peacefully carries me on.
The check points pass rapidly by,
almost like life itself
that races on even though I try
to slow it down to let me live and let me fly.
A lot of earth has passed below
when the radio breaks the peace;
I am asked to descend from my space in the sky
so I straighten up and prepare to comply.
From now until the airplane has stopped,
I must be wide awake;
though done a thousand times before,
there’s room for no mistake.
I see the field and once again
the joy of flight must end.
The tower clears me next to land
so I answer quickly to their command.
On final approach with all things set,
I feel confident and safe
as if the mighty arms of God,
have held us in His embrace.
The wheels touch down and I roll along,
the long white stripe on the black.
I know for today the flight is done,
but it’s also good to be back.
I park the airplane and loosen the straps
that have held me secure for so long.
I look up to God and His home in the sky
and whisper,
“Thank you, Lord, for letting me fly.”
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