Exciting Things Are Happening
We are all pretty worn down by the precautions that were electively taken by our governor with regard to the COVID-19 virus, and many of us are pretty much over it. It is time to get back to doing the things that make us happy, not to mention productive. I know that it was with heavy heart that we cancelled the 2020 Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, that Sun-N-Fun was cancelled, and that we learned of the postponing of the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Safety Seminar to the fall of 2020.
While this has been a very trying time for our country, we often regain faith in the little things that people do to help others, to make a difference in other’s lives. We certainly have had time to reflect this year and to make some observations which might realign our priorities in life.
One of the things that has been helpful to me this spring is to take advantage of some aviation webinars that otherwise might have not been an option. Our FAAST, as well as AOPA and EAA, have made an effort to provide some very helpful sessions which can help us with aviation safety. What a great way to brush up on aviation topics in the comfort of our own homes, as we have “sheltered in place” (two terms that I will not miss in the future is “shelter in place” and “mitigation”!).
Not all of the webinars have been exactly educational, and these are welcome as well. Steve Johnson, the IT guru for the Minnesota Pilots Association, also happens to be the founder of Supercub.org, a website that is chocked full of valuable information for all things “taildragger.” Steve and his wife, Laura, came up with the idea of social distancing by hosting a Zoom session one evening weekly in which members can log in and “hangar fly” (aka tell aviation lies) with people literally from all over the world. They took it a step further and initiated Wednesday evening “Hump Day” webinars with speakers who live charmed aviation lives. Captain Bill Rusk (a speaker at our second GMAG) gave a session on his exploits flying his Javron Cub on WipAire amphibs (talk about a Minnesota connection!) in Alaska. Two weeks later Paul Claus (literally the King of STOL) provided an evening describing his flying in Alaska. Both of these aviators are not only terrific aviators but also talented photographers and videographers (and great people!). Mike Vivion (a former founding Board member of the MN Pilots Assn) will have also shared some of his experiences in Alaska by the time you read this. You can access these at Supercub.org, clicking on the banner entitled “Hump Day Hangar Presentations” at the top of the page.
So there you have it! Many exciting things happening through the Minnesota Pilots Association and the collaboration with other aviation entities. In the meantime, please put the MN Seaplane Pilots Assn Safety Seminar on your schedule (September 18-20, 2020). Fall colors. Aviation. Gotta be there!
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