Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960


More than 540 webinars have engaged tens of thousands of aviators

EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wisconsin — (March 18, 2020)

Even as in-person aviation gatherings have become less available this spring, EAA’s webinar series begins a second decade of providing aviation information, knowledge, and community to pilots everywhere.

The EAA webinars provide group opportunities on topics ranging from aircraft maintenance and technology to pilot certification and flying clubs. In addition, specific webinars provide guidance to specialized areas such as EAA chapter leaders, aerobatic pilots, and more.

“Ten years ago, we began the EAA series of webinars as a way to share knowledge and information in the EAA tradition of member-to-member interaction, this time through an emerging online resource,” said Charlie Becker, EAA’s director of chapters, communities, and homebuilt community manager. “The webinar schedule has become a greatly anticipated method of getting expert guidance in a variety of areas, with the ability to ask questions and receive helpful answers.”

The webinar series, supported by Aircraft Spruce & Specialty, began in 2010 with a limited schedule of offerings. Since then, the series has grown to include multiple webinars each week. More than 540 webinars have been produced over the past decade, attracting more than a total of nearly 170,000 people. In the past 12 months alone, a yearly record of 29,000 attendees engaged in the webinar series.

“Aviators have a desire to gather and share information regardless of current conditions or availability of events, as a long tradition of hangar flying has shown,” Becker said. “EAA’s webinar series continue that opportunity, even when it’s difficult to gather in person as a flying community.”

The complete schedule of EAA’s upcoming webinars, which is regularly updated, is available at All archived webinars are available to EAA members, with selected webinar archives open for all website visitors.


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