Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Upcoming events

Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 449, Moose Lake, MN 55767 or,

Attention Pilots Be sure to get a Flight Service briefing from (800) WX-Brief before every flight and check your destination airport status.

June 14: Buffalo, Mn. Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE). West Metro Aviation hangar, EAA Chapter 878 Pancake breakfast 7:30 a.m.-noon. PIC free. Wright County Car Club 38th annual car show 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Contact: Wayne Flury @ (763) 670-6021 or

June 14:Rush City Mn. Rush City Municipal Airport. Rush City Annual Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake breakfast and Airshow/Carshow. Sunday 8 a.m - 3 p.m. PIC eat FREE. Contact Ray Pittman: Or Sue Hochstatter:

June 20: Moose Lake, MN. Moose Lake Airport. Lake Air Flying Club Annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast. Sat. 7:30 a.m - 11a.m.PIC eat Free! Contact: Larry Peterson@218-485-4441.

July 3-5: Starbuck, MN. Starbuck Municipal Airport. Pope 

County Flyers Annual Fly-In/Drive-In/Camp-In Pancake Breakfast, Sat. 7a.m. to noon. Camp-In under your wings July 3-5. Starbuck activities. Craft show, food vendors, street dance, 5K, parade, church service. Contact Mary Jo Brown at: (320) 760-7749 or Don Lilienthal at: (320) 760-3033.

July 5: Austin, MN, Austin, Municipal Airport, Lions Club Fly In Breakfast, Sunday 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM, pancakes, SPAM, sausage, milk, coffee, juice $6.00 per person age five and over, Pilots In Charge – Free Contact, Taggert Medgaarden 507-440-6596.

July 11-12: Mille Lacs, MN, Isle Airport (MY72) on the SE shore of beautiful Mille Lacs Lake, Saturday evening bonfire and campout. Sunday morning flight breakfast. 7a.m. – 12p.m. Everyone welcome. PIC’s free. CTAF 122.9 Contact: Dave Retka (651) 263-8614, or

July 18-19: Eden Prairie, MN. Flying Cloud Airport  Wings of the North AirExpo 2020 Pancake breakfast 8 a.m to 11a.m. Expo hours: Saturday 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Sunday 9a.m. to 4p.m. Confirmed aircraft Collings Foundation Wings of Freedom Tour B-24, B-25, P-51, P-40,  Erickson Aviation ME-109, FW-190, Dakota Territory Spitfire and Hurricane. P-51,  F4U Corsair , TBM Avenger, Bush Stearman from WOTN. Contact:

Aug. 9: Paynesville, Mn, Paynesville Municipal Airport (KPEX), Airshow/Fly-in 10 a.m – 3 p.m.

Airshow 1 p.m. Free lunch to PIC. For more info:

Aug. 23: Mahnomen, MN, Mahnomen County Airport, 3N8 Fly-In. More information to come. Contact: Jim DeVries 218-935-2186,

Nov. 7:MAHOF Induction Banquet. MSP Intercontinental Hotel. (Rescheduled from April) April reservations will be honored. All event times are the same. For more information, see MAHOF website of Facebook page.


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