Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960


New, Annual STOL Contest Launching in Minnesota, USA.

Milaca, MN – Milaca Airport (18Y), north of Minneapolis, will become the site for a new event called the Sodbusters STOL Competition. The event, being organized by Jeff Pohl, will be held on Saturday, August 3 beginning at 10:00 a.m.

There will be four categories of competition: Heavy Touring, Light Touring, Bush Class and Light Sport/Light Experimental Aircraft. Trophies will be presented to the winners of the four groups and plaques will be presented to those who finish in 2nd and 3rd place. The awards will be presented during a pig roast Saturday evening that will be catered by Timber Valley Grill. A local group, called In The Fields, will be providing live music. On Sunday morning the airport will host a fly-in breakfast.

The entry fee for pilots will be $50. There will be no charge for tie downs, camping (including showers). The Pig Roast will be priced later. A breakfast ticket, for all the eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes anyone can eat, will be $8. Aircraft approaching Milaca should communicate on 122.9.

“The goal is to have a good time and to make this an annual event,” said Pohl. “We’re hoping we might attract some of the traffic departing EAA AirVenture, and we will be offering camping space starting on the 29th of July.” Milaca has a Super 8 motel and additional accommodations at The Phoenix Hotel. For more information on the STOL contest, contact Jeff Pohl at 612.221.8584 or search Facebook for: Sodbusters STOL Competition.


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