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ASTM International

New ASTM International Report Provides Technical Underpinning for Drones, Autonomy in Aviation

W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., June 26, 2019 – ASTM International, a global standards leader, today published its first-ever technical report, a new type of offering. The organization’s first technical report serves as a guide, providing a framework for terminology and requirements for increasingly autonomous and complex aviation systems.

“The aviation community is adopting more and more technologies that support automation and autonomy,” said ASTM International member Stephen Cook, Ph.D., of Northrop Grumman, who chaired the group that created the report. “This guide helps reduce confusion while fostering consistent terminology, definitions, and frameworks to support standards developers, including ASTM International committees.”

The document incorporates the decades-long expertise of ASTM International committees and members who have developed hundreds of technical standards for general aviation aircraft, light sport aircraft, aircraft systems, and – more recently – drones (UAS).

The guide also brings together key content from organizations including the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) and the Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE) as well as U.S. federal agencies (the departments of defense and transportation and NASA).

“Autonomy Design and Operations in Aviation: Terminology and Requirements Framework” is available here for $60.

New technical reports from ASTM International will aim to provide insights on the current landscape of a particular industry or technology, including data, research, challenges, recommendations, processes, and more, according to Brian Meincke, vice president of finance, business development, and innovation at ASTM International.

About ASTM International

Committed to serving global societal needs, ASTM International positively impacts public health and safety, consumer confidence, and overall quality of life. We integrate consensus standards – developed with our international membership of volunteer technical experts – and innovative services to improve lives… Helping our world work better.


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