Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or Attention Pilots Be sure to get a Flight Service briefing from (800) WX-Brief before every flight and check your destination airport status.
Aug 11: Lino Lakes, MN. Surf Side Sea Plane Base. Minnesota Sea Plane Association Annual Pig Roast Picnic. Private Sea Plane Base and grass strip.Contact: Steve Guetter,
Aug. 15: Hibbing, Mn, Range Regional Airport (HIB), 5p.m-7p.m. Fly-In/Drive-In. Burger baskets $5.00, PIC eat free. Contact Barrett Ziemer 218-262-3452.
Aug. 18: Mankato, MN. Municipal Airport. EAA Chapter 642, Fly-In/Drive-In breakfast, 7:30 am to 12:00 noon, PIC free, Pancakes, eggs, sausage, etc. Contact Tony; 507-380-8377, or Jon; 507-317-1958.
Aug. 24: Luverne Minnesota, Luverne Municipal Airport (KLYV) Quentin Aanenson Field, Fly-In/Drive-In breakfast 7a.m - 12 p.m.PIC eat free, Skydive, Inflatables, Classic Cars, more. Contact Sierra Delta Aviation at (605) 413-5028.
Aug. 25: Litchfield, MN. Litchfield Lions Club Fly-In, Litchfield Municipal (KLJF), 7:30 a.m.-noon, pancake/sausage breakfast, PICs free. Jim Swenson, 320-693-6189.
Aug. 25: Owatonna, MN, Owatonna Regional Airport Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast, Civil Air Patrol Open House 7 a.m – 12.
Aug 25: Windom, MN. Windom Municipal Airport (MWM 122.9). Windom Eagles Model Airplane Club/Windom Lions Club Fly-In pancake breakfast 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.PIC’s free. Info: Brian (507) 830-0273.
Aug. 25: Grygla Municipal Airport, Grygla, MN (3G2). Roland Klamar FLy-In/Drive-In Breakfast 7a.m - noon. PIC’s eat free. Contact Brent Klamar, 218-689-4364.
Aug. 31: Glencoe MN, Glenco Municipal Airport (KGYL) 10 a.m - 2 p.m. EAA Chapter 92, Glencoe Ultra Flyers Annual Sweet Corn and Bratwurst Feed Fly-In. Contact Stuart Selchow 320-238-2376, cell 320-583-8367 or
Sept 7: Grand Rapids, MN. EAA Fly-In, full breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon, KGPZ. Bob, 218-348-4424. Contact1st Lt Ryan Heydon, CommanderOwatonna Composite Squadron 132 Civil Air Patrol
Sept 7-8: Jackson, MN. Jackson Municipal Airport (KMJQ). Sat. 9a.m -5p.m. Professional and Amateur Kite Fly. Sun.7a.m-noon Fly-In Breakfast. PIC’s eat free.
Sept. 8: New Ulm, MN. New Ulm Municipal Airport (KULM) Lions Club 46th Annual Fly-In Breakfast 7a.m – 12 p.m. All you can eat Pancakes, Sausages, Apple sauce, Coffee, milk, juice. Adults $8.00 in advance, $9.00 at the door. Children 4-12 $3.00, 3 & under free. PIC eat free. Contact Bob Schirlinger 612-501-2719.
Sept. 15: Hector, MN Hector Municipal Airport (1D6) 77th Annual Fly-in Breakfast, 7:30 am - 12:30 pm. All you can eat. PICs free. Warbirds, Classics, Antiques, Homebuilt and Ultralights. Ping Pong Ball Drop with prizes for Kids at 11:15 am. CTAF 122.8, Contact Ed Newberg 320-979-1270.
Sept. 19:Hibbing, Mn, Range Regional Airport (HIB), 5p.m-7p.m. Fly-In/Drive-In. Burger baskets $5.00, PIC eat free. Contact Barrett Ziemer 218-262-3452.
Sept 21: Mora, MN. Mora Municipal Airport (KJMR) Lions Pancake Breakfast Fly-In. 8 a.m - noon. Contact Joe Kolhgraf for questions 612-390-8217.
Sept. 21: Eden Prairie, MN, Flying Cloud Airport, Girls in Aviation Day,10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free event for youth to learn about career opportunities in aviation and Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM). Exhibitors from airlines, military, universities, flight schools, pilots, engineers and many professionals will showcase aviation careers. Learn more and register online:
Dec. 7: St. Cloud, MN. Tree of Hope, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. KSTC, Hangar H2, by St. Cloud Aviation.
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