Thanks to all who joined us for ICEPORT 2019. I trust everyone had a spectacular time.
I would especially like to thank Mac's Twin Bay for doing such a fantastic job plowing us a beautiful "iceway" and parking area.
And wow! A HUGE applause goes out to the fine staff at Da Boathouse restaurant. What a great breakfast buffet!
People really loved the dining area...especially the after-dining experience in the adjoining bar.
Doug Evink (Tanis Aircraft), you have been such a great supporter from the beginning. The gratitude I have for your graciousness cannot be expressed through words. Thank you.
And to those volunteers on the flight line: GREAT JOB! I know things were tight on parking, but you all made it work. All done with smiles on. You guys are awesome!
And to all you Ice Pilots, great job working together to sequence yourselves. Everyone was cordial on the radio. A testament to the wonderful people who chose to join us at ICEPORT.
In closing, we took great notes on what went well, what could be improved and captured enthusiastic comments that were shared. This is such a unique event with a very dynamic environment, one must be flexible and accommodating. Thank you all for coming. Thank you all for being patient. A successful and safe event is our goal. We definitely achieved this...and more!
Please patronize all of the businesses that support ICEPORT. Without them, ICEPORT would not be possible. And remember: You don't have to wait for ICEPORT, visit these businesses all year long.
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