Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Aviators support aviators

Happy Holidays to each and every one of you!

What a terrific time of year, as we celebrate with family and friends and as we look back upon 2018 and count our blessings and our challenges.

The Board members of the Minnesota Pilots Association are thankful for those of you who have become members or who have renewed membership in our organization. Thank you.

While Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, we have the chance to thank people throughout the year for their good deeds, for helping to make a difference.

There are many people to thank this year, but none are more deserving to receive thanks than Tim Franklin and Charlotte Swanson. As you are aware, Tim is the owner and publisher/editor of the Minnesota Flyer magazine, and Charlotte is the managing editor.

These two have teamed up to provide the only periodical that devotes itself exclusively to aviation in Minnesota. They have been instrumental in the founding and promotion of the Minnesota Pilots Association, providing space for “Minnesota Hangar Flying” since our inception over five years ago.

They have provided insight into aviation issues, having been careful to include information related to aviation from all parts of the state, not just the Twin Cities. Together they have taken the Minnesota Flyer to new heights and have improved content significantly over the time we have worked with them. We are delighted with the changes we have seen.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to subscribe to the Minnesota Flyer as a way of supporting our mission at the Minnesota Pilots Association. The Minnesota Flyer is essentially a conduit to our voice. We appreciate the relationship we have with the Flyer.

I find it sad and frustrating to speak to pilots across the state who haven’t seen a copy of the Minnesota Flyer.

If you have a pilot friend who might appreciate the Minnesota Flyer, please share your copy with them. You may want to give them a terrific Christmas present of the Flyer…a very reasonable cost of $19 per year! What a great investment in the future of aviation in Minnesota!

Subscribe online to the Minnesota Flyer at They will help you get a subscription in Santa’s hands for the perfect gift.

Happy Holidays to you and your friends and families. We appreciate you.


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