Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Starbuck Airport draws community

Fly-In/Camp-In perfect compliment to Starbuck Heritage Days!

Thanks to Don Lilienthal for the following report and photos from the Starbuck Fly-In breakfast.

The Starbuck Fly-In was held on Saturday, July 7. It was a windy day but no rain. We have a soft grass runway. The plane campers began to show up on Friday morning and stayed until Sunday.

The Fly-In was very successful. We served 1,144 breakfasts. There were 65 planes that flew in for the breakfast. The Life-Link helicopter reported eight miles out inbound when they received an emergency call.

Starbuck Heritage Days weekend had many activities to offer and many food vendors also.

The 90-unit parade began at 6 p.m. Saturday. Fireworks went off at 10:00 p.m. at the airport.

I want to thank all our Pope County Flying Club members and the Minnewaska Royalty for their great help to make this year's event safe and fun.


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