Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Upcoming Events

Check this column each month to see that dates have not been cancelled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer , P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN, 55072-0750 or or

Attention Pilots Be sure to get a Flight Service briefing from (800) WX-Brief before every flight and check your destination airport status.

January 20: McGregor, MN, Trick Air Ski Plane Fly-In at Jackson Seaplane Base (Private), contact Paul Jackson, 612-963-1655

January 27, 2018: Benson's Airport 6MN9, EAA Chapter 745 Pancake Breakfast, 9a.m. -noon. Vintage airplanes. White Bear Lake, MN. For information contact David at 612-597-5425 or the Airport at 651-429-0315.

February 3: Park Rapids, MN, Little Sand Lake, Little Sand Lake is 7 nm NW of Park Rapids on the 042 degree PKD radial, N46.978304 W -94.949727.  Seventh Annual Zorbaz Zki Plane Chili Fly-In at Zorbaz Restaurant on Little Sand Lake. For more information, call Robb at (218) 237-1969, or email or visit for updates. 

February 10: Buffalo, MN, Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE). Chili Feed, 10 am to 2 pm. West Metro Aviation hangar. Live music from 11 am to 2 pm. Snow date alternate, Feb. 17. Hosted by EAA Chapter 878. Contact Wayne Flury, 763-670-6021,

February 25:  Warroad, MN, 40th Annual Warroad Lions Ski Plane Fly-In Breakfast. Ski Planes land on the Warroad River, others at Warroad Airport (KRRT), 8 a.m. - noon.  Shuttle service available.  Contact Dave Paulson, 218-386-1818 or 218-386-2098 or

April 27-28: Blaine, MN, Anoka County Blaine Airport (KANE) Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering. Event space, Golden Wings Flying Museum at Jane’s Field entrance. Contact

June 16: Granite Falls, MN, Granite Falls Muni-Lenzen-Roe-Fagan Memorial Field (GDB), Ray Fagen Memorial Airshow 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., contact Evan Fagen at 320-564-3324

July 7: Starbuck, MN, Starbuck Municipal Airport (D32). Annual Pope County Flyer’s Camp-In/Fly-In Breakfast from 7 a.m. to noon on Saturday. Under wing campers welcome July 6-8. Contact Don Lilienthal at 320-760-3033 or MaryJo Brown at 320-392-5869

July 7-8: Ilse, MN, Isle Airport (MY72) Isle Airport Flying Club, Saturday night Fly-In/Camp-Out, Sunday Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast 7 a.m.-11 a.m., PIC free, Private air strip, contact Dave Rutka,

July 15-17: Brainerd, MN, American Barnstormers Tour, American Barnstormers Tour, Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport (KBRD), Facebook page for updates.

August 4: Elbow Lake, MN, Annual Flekkefest Fly-In Lunch, with our famous Ribeye Steak Sandwiches, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Elbow Lake Airport (Y63), contact Laura LaRue, 218-685-6594,


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