Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Upcoming Events

Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750, or, or

Sept. 3: Glencoe, MN. EAA Chapter 93, Glencoe UltraLite Flyers annual sweet corn and bratwurst feet fly-in, Glencoe Municipal (KGYL), 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Stuart Selchow, (320) 238-2376, Rescheduled from Aug. 20.

Sept. 10: Luverne, MN. All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast, Luverne Municipal (KLYV), 7 a.m.-noon, PICS free. Aircraft on display, inflatables for kids.

Sept. 10: Moorhead, MN. Moorhead Airport’s (KJKJ) Greater Moorhead Days - Wings and Wheels Fly-In Pancake Breakfast and Car Show. Breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon. Young Eagle rides, Sky Dive Fargo (jump at noon), collector custom car show. Steve Edner, (218) 287-1400.

Sept. 10: Osceola, WI. Wheels and Wings Fly-In, Simenstad Municipal (KOEO), 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Pancake breakfast and lunch, multiple food vendors.

Sept 10: Eden Prairie, MN. The 13th Annual Flying Cloud Air Tour & Poker Run, Flying Cloud to Hutchinson, to New Ulm, to Mankato, Owatonna. Ben McQuillan,, (612) 719-2407.

Sept. 10-11: Maple Lake, MN. Fly-In Campout, Maple Lake Airport (KMGG). Camp out on Saturday, chili feed at 7 p.m., bonfire 7-11 p.m. On Sunday, 30th Annual Fly-In, pork chop dinner 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Aviation venors, honor guard, and military aircraft.

Sept. 11: New Ulm, MN. Lions Club of New Ulm Fly-In Panckae Breakfast, 7 a.m.-12:30 p.m., New Ulm Municipal (KULM). PICs free.

Sept. 11: Blue Earth, MN. Blue Earth Municipal (KSBU) Fly-In Lunch, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Pork patty sandwich, beans, sweet corn, chips, beverage, (507) 525-1315.

Sept 17: Mora, MN. Mora Fall colors Fly-in/Drive-in Pancake Breakfast, 8 a.m.-noon, Mora Municipal (KJMR). Breakfast hosted by the Mora Lions. T-6, warbirds, classic cars, airplane rides available!

Sept. 18: LeSueur, MN. Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 7:30-11:30 a.m., LeSueur Municipal (12Y). Sponsored by Lions, PICs free.

Sept. 18: Hector, MN. Hector (1D6) 74th Annual Fly-In Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All you can eat, PICs free. Warbirds, Classics, Antiques, Homebuilts, Helicopters, and Ultralights. Ed Newberg, (320) 848-2745.

Sept. 18: Thief River Falls, WI. Thief River Falls (KTVF) Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. At the NCTC Aviation Campus, tours provided.

Sept 24: St. Paul, MN. National Girls Aviation Day, Holman Field (KSTP), Stars of the North Chapter of Women in Aviation. For details, go to

Sept. 24: Eden Prairie, MN. Sixth Annual Chili Cook-Off/Feed, Flying Cloud Airport (KFCM), at Modern Avionics. Seminar at 9 a.m., chili feed to follow. If you want to enter chili contest, send e-mail to Free, but donations requested for local food shelf.

Sept. 24: Isle, MN. Brats and Burgers Fly-In, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Isle Airport (MY72), private airport. on beautiful Mille Lacs Lake. Isle City Fall Fest. Car show in town. Under wing camping allowed. 320-676-1910 or 651-263-8614.

Oct. 8: White Bear Lake, MN. Pancake Breakfast Fly-in, Benson's Airport (6MN9), 9 a.m.-noon. Normally 100LL on the airport, but call ahead. Kim, 763.503.0161, airport, 651.429.0315 Unicom: 122.700; Runway 12/30, (2000' x 75'), Surface: Turf, According to Google Earth, Benson's is 9 miles almost straight south of the Forest Lake airport (25D). Two landmarks for finding Benson’s are the water tower inside the pattern and Bald Eagle Lake just to the west of the airport.

Oct. 15: South St. Paul, MN. Planes and Paws Pet Expo, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., South St. Paul, Commemorative Air Force, Hangar 3, for more information see website: Contact:

Dec. 3: Maple Lake, MN Tree of Hope, Maple Lake Airport (KMGG), 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Toys and monetary donations both appreciated. Gifts provided to 35 hospitals in region. Elaine Morrow,, 952.955.2802 or Howie & Deb Klier,, 952.898.5735.

July 24-20, 2017: Oshkosh, WI. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh,


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