Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

MnDOT Aeronautics Bulletin

Education is Key

Education at its most basic level is the key to the success of any individual. What ultimately sets us apart from others is our use of what we have learned, and our unending desire to continue learning.

One part of MnDOT Aeronautics’ mission is aviation education. We are charged with helping to educate the people of Minnesota about aviation and the positive impact it has upon everyone’s life. We do that through our Technical Bulletins, our Internet Web pages, and even our Facebook and Twitter accounts. We also get input and ideas from grassroots aviation organizations and groups as well as schools and colleges around the State.

We recently commissioned a study to take a fresh look at what we are currently doing and point out any gaps that exist in our approach. As we are waiting for the study results, we are excited to think there may be some changes and new products or services we can provide for the Aviation Education concepts and outreach. What better way is there to start a new year than with exciting new concepts designed to inform, educate and help people enjoy aviation a quality of life in Minnesota that is truly outstanding?

We understand that pilots and mechanics are always in the learning mode. But we ask you to help us think of ideas and ways we can work together to reach more youth and get them excited about, and interested in become a part of the aviation family. If you already have an idea of how we can improve, please share it with us at:


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