Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Moose Lake Pilot Bash - Getting together just for the fun of it!

Larry and Karen Helwig invite aviators

Sometimes people in aviation want to get together just for the fun of it. That is exactly what Larry and Karen Helwig did in June at their hangar at the Carlton County Moose Lake Airport. Of course, fun includes hot dogs, brats and chips, which the Helwig's supplied on the warm, misty, summer day.

Attendees enjoyed swapping aviation stories, sharing ideas, and investigating each other's aircraft. Some of the aircraft at the gathering included a Cessna 172 Skyhawk, a Bonanza V35, and an RB8A kit plane.

It is not required that one fly when visiting a hangar. Folks also arrived by automobile. It was a chance to get together with those of like mind to enjoy time hangar flying, with or without a lane.

It just goes to show, any time, any where, aviators are just plain happy to talk aviation.


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