Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

License to Learn: May 2014

Honoring those who advocate for us

It was a pleasure to attend the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame, not only for the interesting social hour and delicious dinner, but to offer the respect and support that long-time advocates of aviation deserve. Photos of inductees start on page 7. We also have a few candid shots of the social hour on page 5

UAS is one of the hot topics in aviation nowadays. See page 19 for coverage of the UAS Summit at Northern Community Technical College for the Minnesota Flyer’s coverage of that event. Our thanks to U.S. Representative Collin Peterson and the very capable administration and staff at NCTC for putting that summit together.

Thanks, also, to Senator Al Franken for holding a press conference at the event. We recommend that you keep your eyes on NCTC as it sets the pace for education and opportunity in aerospace, folks.

Check out John Hanson’s article on the Stearman starting on Page 10 as well.

Thanks to Burt Ackerman for sharing his memories of Sherm Booen for the fifth article in the continuing series of our founding father and Minnesota’s aviation legend.

Turn to page 14 for Dr. James D. Lakins’ Medical Forum. Tom Lymbum’s Mystery Airplane is hiding in these pages so, do your due diligence!

Mark your calendars with the list of events including May 31-June 1 Discover Aviation Days where the Minnesota Flyer will have a booth. As always, we invite you to send us information for our list of events that begins on page 3 and continues until we run out of items submitted by our readers.

We continue to add material to the Minnesota Flyer website so feel free to visit us at As we plan for the June edition of our magazine, know that we welcome your news, ideas, photos, and comments.

We’re looking forward to summer skies and to seeing you at fly-ins and other aviation related events. Until then, keep your wing tips level and Happy Landings!


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