Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

License to Learn: March. 2014

Education is the key to our future

We all know education is key to furthering all forms of aviation. With that in mind, the Minnesota Flyer visited Thief River Falls recently for a tour of Northern Community & Technical College where we most definitely witnessed education in action. See results of our time with this most impressive educational team in a cover article by C.M. Swanson.

Jim Hanson has the second part of his series on "I recall." Great historical piece on how aviation has changed with some great examples.

It is always a great edition of the Minnesota Flyer when MNDot Aerospace provides readers with resource material in its Aeronautics Bulletin in the Flyer. This month’s offerings include an R&D report from Edward Bogart, a retired NASA Aerospace Engineer, and Cassandra’s Column with some important dates and places for your calendar as well as murmurings of spring.

Speaking of columns, readers will likely relate to Randy Corfman’s MNPilots Hangar Flying with a word or two on the challenges of winter flying. Corfman also offers a reminder of the March 21-22 Minnesota Pilots Association Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering of which the Minnesota Flyer is a proud sponsor.

As always, we invite you to send us information for our list of events that begins on page 3 and continues until we run out of items submitted by our readers.

We encourage readers to support each event listed though we do want to put a gentle reminder out there regarding the 25th Annual Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Induction Banquet April 12.

Dr. James D. Lakin gives us sage advice on cancer awareness in his Aeromedical Forum. Tom Lymburn entices us with the Mystery Airplane for March.

Aero Minnesota braved the winter weather and held its Valentine Fly-In at Aitkin Aviation for which we heartily salute them! Co-owner Dan Dolliff attended the event and graciously granted us an interview regarding how he became involved with the fast growing company.

In our continuing tribute to Minnesota Flyer founder Sherm Booen, we offer article three in a series of 12. Sherm’s flying buddy, Ken Hillstrom shares memories of the aviation legend you may not have heard before.

We continue to add material to the Minnesota Flyer website so feel free to visit us at

As we plan for our April edition we are as pleased as a new pilot pulling up to a hangar after a solo flight to know that spring is on its way! We welcome your news, ideas and comments as we continue to build the Minnesota Flyer with you in mind. So, enjoy this edition and keep us informed.

Have a great flight and, in the words of our founder, Happy Landings!


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