Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

tech bulletin

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  • The electric sky!

    Dan McDowell, MnDOT Aeronautics|Mar 1, 2015

    The beauty of spring comes in a vast array of sights, sounds, and aromas. Once the snow is all gone and the earth has felt a few days of the suns warmth, dozens of different types of vegetation will spring forth. Many will grace our eyes and noses with beautiful flowers and sweet smells that invite us to come closer and enjoy. Even the simple blades of grass exude a sweetness that draws us to lie down for a few minutes and breathe-in the fresh sweetness as we watch the clouds quickly changing... Full story

  • From the Director's Desk

    Cassandra Isackson, MnDOT Aeronautics|Mar 1, 2015

    You, as an aviator, aviation administrator or manager, or an aviation supporter need to know how your aviation tax dollars are put to work for you in Minnesota. You also need to care about and understand how the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) impacts aviation throughout Minnesota. These things are vitally important to aviation across the State and the Nation. First, there are three main sources of state aeronautics funding. Each source is a tax on aviation-related activities. The dollars... Full story

  • Important lightning facts

    Staff Reports, MnDOT Aeronautics|Mar 1, 2015

    Most aviators recognize the tremendous power of lightning, but few truly understand this unique/ natural phenomenon. Here are a few eye opening facts about lightning: • A typical thunderstorm lasts approximately 30-45 minutes with lightning on average of 3-4 strokes per minute. • While most tend to occur in the afternoon and evening during the spring and summer, thunderstorms can occur at any time of the day, and along frontal boundaries. • Lightning can strike as far as 15 miles away from a thunderstorm. • Lightning can occur even when it is n...

  • As the holidays arrive

    Cassandra Isackson, Director, Office of Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2014

    As the holiday season arrives, many people will take vacation to spend time with family and friends. It is our hope that you will have a wonderful and safe time and will take advantage of the opportunity to share your passion for aviation with those around you. In our technical bulletin you will find several very important articles that I hope you will spend time reading and absorbing. Safety is our number one concern for everyone, here at MnDOT. SO we ask you to take time and consider your safe... Full story

  • The promise of unmanned aerial systems

    Richard Braunig, AvRep, MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2014

    UAS, UAV, Drones: it seems everywhere you turn you hear about some new application for these vehicles and how the FAA is stifling this emerging industry because they can't figure out how to integrate them into the National Airspace System (NAS). It is true; they (UAS's) can do some amazing things. They can fly into burning buildings and search for people; they can fly over crops and identify moisture content and a half dozen other conditions allowing farmers to target the treatment of their... Full story

  • The irony of aviation

    Daniel McDowell, MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2014

    Hear it again! One extremely valuable resource many communities are fortunate to have is an airport. The economic benefit an airport, even the smallest GA airport, brings to a community can be tremendous. But isn’t it ironic that community airports, in too many cases around the state and nation, are being squeezed out of existence by the very people that benefit directly from its existence! In an age and time where the benefits to many are so important and valuable it almost defies comprehension that airports and aviation safety can be c... Full story

  • Aviation benefits everyone

    Daniel McDowell, MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2014

    People occasionally ask where Minnesota aviation funds come from and who actually benefits from their use. While the responses to those questions can go into long detail, here are the quick summary answers. Who benefits from aviation? The Minnesota aviation system provides benefits to all citizens in the form of timely, reliable, and safe delivery of goods, mail, perishables, high value items, and individual’s transportation, as well as fostering and aiding the economic growth and wellbeing of communities throughout the State. On-airport a... Full story

  • What can we learn from fun and games?

    Rachel Obermoeller, MnDOT Aeronautics Aviation Repesentative|Dec 1, 2014

    I asked a few fellow pilots over the last couple weeks if they had any good single pilot flying stories to tell – perhaps a hangar-flying tale they learned a lesson from, or an interesting technique or skill they picked up along the way which has served them well. One of them told me, “I generally avoid flying alone, but when I have to, I talk to myself. Then I always have a crew of two!” While it doesn’t quite solve the problem of being the only pilot in the plane, and might get you funny glances from passengers depending on how you converse w...

  • Air Force One in Twin Cities

    Dec 1, 2013

    Full story

  • Minnesota Flyer|Sep 1, 2013

    Technical Bulletin for September 2013...  Website

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