Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960
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A few months ago I had a chance to listen to a presentation by a staff attorney from the Enforcement Division of the FAA’s Washington office, Amanda Bruchs. She talked quite a bit about the issues of falsification of the application for medical certification that most of us fill out periodically. I’m talking about FAA Form 8500-8, that miracle of fine print and little boxes into which you pour your life history. Indeed, down in the lower left hand corner of page two we are informed that “Whosoev... Full story
In a day and age when many situations in life change faster than Minnesota weather patterns, it's comforting to know at least one longstanding tradition continues to be upheld to this very day. It is especially comforting when that tradition includes wearing a soft red suit, slinging a bag of toys over one's shoulder and belting out a few ho ho hos, all for the delight of children. The follower of this specific tradition does have his own little twist, however. Rather than the well-known Dasher... Full story
As a very young boy living on a farm in South Dakota, Bob Heavirland sometimes scrambled up a 12-foot snow bank to retrieve the week's mail, wrapped in butcher paper, air dropped from the open window of an Aeronca Champ. Mail from the next town was delivered the same way in a 1948 Aeronca Super Chief. The young boy never dreamed one day he'd own that exact Super Chief. Heavirland explained that, in those days, before the myriad of aircraft regulations we know today, airplanes owned by farmers... Full story
After a situational hiatus, the aviation industry is once more on the rise. Current high demands for pilots has caused flight schools to evolve to meet the needs of students motivated to attain a private pilot license in less than the national average of 65-70 hours of flight time, (often stretched out over a year's time). Accelerated Aviation Instruction, a Part 61 flight school based at the Albert Lea Municipal Airport, offers a 40 to 45 hour flight time program for those wanting to go from ze... Full story
Gary Black is the kind of pilot who doesn't take anything for granted. Though his vast flying experience could easily create overconfidence, Black remains steadfastly faithful to the rules of flight. "We're going to start going through the checklist," said Black as the doors close on the 2015 Cirrus SR22T for a flight from Moose Lake Airport to Anoka County Blaine Airport. "We do have a parachute on board for the whole aircraft. The safety pin is pulled out so the parachute is armed in case of... Full story
The Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame, a nonprofit organization that honors pioneer and historic Minnesotans for their contributions to aviation, recently announced its 2016 Hall of Fame inductees. These seven individuals will be recognized at a banquet on April 30, 2016 at the Ramada Mall of America in Bloomington. The inductees represent legislators, pilots, flights instructors and inventors. Among the inductees: Lloyd Alsworth (1906-1992) – a native of Sherborne, MN, Alsworth ran the Fairmont Flying School from 1949-1975 where he trained an e... Full story
Every time I get a new edition of Federal Aviation Regulations/ Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM) I’m amazed that it’s grown as fast as my three-year-old grandson! Pilots operate under an increasingly complex matrix of regulations and aviation medicine is no exception. So I thought it was high time to take a look at some of the legal issues and procedures affecting medical certification. This month we’ll touch on the application and certification process. We’ll also cover the options...
Girls International Aviation Day was celebrated worldwide. The September 26 event at Downtown St. Paul Airport's Holman Field was the largest gathering of all those held. Stars of the North, the Minnesota Chapter of Women in Aviation, and AirSpace Minnesota organized the gathering. Attendance was estimated at 1,000. Resources were available at booths in the hangar representing colleges, flight schools, and aviation related businesses. Young Eagle rides were given to 213 girls. Attendees were... Full story
There are any number of reasons the Twelfth Annual Flying Cloud Air Tour, (affectionately know by participants as the Ben McQuillan Air Tour) was such a wild success. The combination of Nerf Ball Drop, Madeline Island destination, beautiful though windy weather, and camaraderie of over 40 pilots and their passengers was the stuff of which treasured memories are made. Award winning, professional pilot and air tour planner Ben McQuillan, CFI, CFII, MEI started the event with a briefing a few days... Full story
There were more warm, fuzzy feelings than you could shake a stick at during the Sierra Hotel Aero Pet Expo held October 17 at the Commemorative Air Force Hanger at Fleming Field in South St. Paul. There would have been a certain element of danger should one have shaken a stick at the event anyway, what with all the four footed friends around. It was a great day for shaking hands and shaking paws as pets and pet owners got to know one another. Attendees got first hand information on how pet... Full story
As any successful author knows, it's all about experience and research. University Avenue Elementary School Aerospace Education Coordinator, Kate Watson has a firm grasp on this concept as well. That's how her second graders end up at Golden Wings Flying Museum in at Anoka County Blaine Airport. "This is their launch to the work they will be doing all year in creating a Flight Book," said Watson. "In May we make it a big family event where they invite their families to the airport to celebrate... Full story
Power exuded from the Jeanne D'Arc Auditorium at St. Catherine University the afternoon of September 25 in the form of presentations and panel discussions on aerospace. The high-end team of experts was brought together by AirSpace Minnesota. "We organized this leadership dialogue to showcase the breadth of opportunities happening right now in the aerospace industry," said Kristi Rollag Wangstad, AirSpace Minnesota president. "Historically Minnesota has an established base in this field. Each... Full story
If proof is needed to show how sincere a company is about encouraging women to consider a career in aviation, Delta Air Lines has it. On Saturday, September 26, Delta held their first ever Women Inspiring our Next Generation (WING) Flight to the Seattle Museum of Flight. The WING Flight was a gift to just over 120 girls. "We reached out with invitations to the Minneapolis and St. Paul School district, Civil Air Patrol, Big Sisters, Minnesota ACE Camps," said Delta Air Lines First Officer, Cheri... Full story
It's a rare business meeting that is described as fun, but where the Minnesota Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, international organization of women pilots is concerned, that branding is an absolute must. The weekend of September 25-27 the North Central Section Meeting was based at Anoka-Blaine Airport. Chairperson of the Minnesota Chapter of the 99s, Patti Sandusky and the chapter's members had a three-fold purpose, conduct a motivating meeting, have fun, and show off Minnesota. "It was spectacular!... Full story
Mackinac Island sits in the Straights between Lakes Huron and Michigan. It is a magical, special place. Unfortunately for the pilot it is also a realm of mist, fog and low-hanging clouds with convection currents at each end of the approach and squirrely cross winds pouring over the forest-lined runway. Deb and I were departing from KMCD last September into a 300-foot ceiling. The clag was confined to the island and it was CAVU across the straights in Cheboygan, so we had a good Plan B, if... Full story
Pet owners love to talk about their pets. At Fleming Field Airport in South St. Paul, those conversations happen a lot. Sierra Hotel Aero, Inc. Quality Assurance Manager Kathy Fox said it was quite natural that the first ever Pet Expo should arise from those conversations. "It is common practice for people at many businesses on the airport grounds to bring their pets to work with them," said Fox. "When we started looking at the various organizations that the pets came from, we realized there... Full story
You'll probably never be called on to install a bifold door that weighs more than 50,000 pounds, but wouldn't you want to work with the manufacturer that can boast such an incredible accomplishment? Schweiss Doors recently produced two bifold doors for a new steel hangar at Cape Canaveral, Fla. One door was 40 feet wide and 69 feet tall. The larger door was 90 feet wide and 61 feet tall. Both were equipped with automatic latches and are wind-rated to 150 mph. Upon delivery to Florida, both... Full story
The Minnesota Aviation Trades Association (MATA) Annual meeting and barbecue held August 20 was a fantastic weather day resulting in a most pleasant social hour complete with a picnic on the grounds of Twin Cities Aviation at Anoka County-Blaine Airport. At the brisk, efficient meeting, MATA president Greg Reigel reported the organization has been growing for the past two years. It currently has over 60 members. Activities include advocacy efforts with the Minnesota Business Aviation... Full story
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) is making a difference in how today's society views aviation. AOPA president Mark Baker, and his fully dedicated, energized team are putting the awe back in awesome where aviation is concerned by reaching out to people on a personal basis. Baker was smitten with the love of aviation as a child. He recalls lying on a hill, looking up at the sky, "simply for the joy of watching those round engines go by." His ensuing years of experience, engaging in... Full story
August 27 was the kind of day that just cried out "Picnic" to a group of friends in the Brainerd Lakes area. Destination, an island on Whitefish Lake with a sand beach just made for welcoming sea planes, pleasant conversation, and luxuriating in the sun. While formal Fly-Ins are a big draw, there are also times when a small group of flying friends have the desire for a little more laid back, private outing. Throwing lunch in a basket, donning comfortable summer clothes, and taking off for a day... Full story
Though receiving its non-profit status was a huge milestone for the Blaine Airport Promotions Group (BAPG), the organization, based at Anoka County Blaine Airport simply checked the accomplishment off their To Do list and kept on going. Comprised of businesses on and off the airport grounds, the group's purpose is to raise awareness of the economic impact of the airport on the surrounding region, promote greater participation of public activity at the airport, promote aviation education to... Full story
Flight Expo 2015 at the Princeton Airport was held in celebration of the 70th anniversary of VE-Day. The Commemorative Air Force displayed the B-25 Miss Mitchel and gave rides in the Vultee BT-13. Breakfast and lunch were served on the grounds both Saturday and Sunday, hosted by the Princetons 4-H group. EAA Chapter 237 provided Kiddie Rides for toddlers. Young Eagles gave free flights on Sunday. The Expo was enjoyed by all.... Full story
“If you want keep her on the runway it helps to see the centerline.” Supporting this truism, the FAA has a maze of regulations to make sure that the intrepid pilot can locate the runway environment. So let’s look at a few common questions airmen ask about their eyeballs. “First of all, just how good does my eyesight have to be?” It depends. For a Third Class Medical Certificate which is all you need unless you’re flying for compensation, you have to see at least 20/40 in both eyes for both di...
Stars of the North, the Minnesota chapter of the global organization Women in Aviation, is joining forces with AirSpace Minnesota to participate in Global Girl's Aviation Day in a very big way. "We've been told that will have the largest celebration gathering of all the participating chapters in the whole world," said Stars of the North President, Jenny Nietfeld. September 26, 1,000 participants are expected at this event for girls ages 10 to 17 at the Downtown St. Paul Airport for an... Full story
Cloud cover was welcome on the hot, sultry morning of August 15 at the Forest Lake Fly-In. Breakfast was followed by skydiving demonstration by Sky Dive Twin Cities, Forest Lake who also furnished the hanger space for meals. EAA Chapter 237 served over 200 breakfasts to attendees, in addition to the 56 breakfasts they gave pilots, sponsors, and crew members. Chapter 237 president, Bob Heavirland attributes the success of the day to team work under the "adopt an airport" policy promoted by... Full story