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Wipaire, Inc. is doubling the Federal Aviation Administration’s $500 ADS-B rebate for piston aircraft owners to make ADS-B equipage more affordable. Wipaire’s additional $500 rebate, which can be paired with the FAA program for a total of $1,000, is available to U.S.-registered single-engine piston fixed-wing manned airplanes registered before January 1, 2016. The Wipaire rebate is applied to installation charges for ADS-B equipment purchased through Wipaire and installed at Wipaire’s South St. Paul, Minnesota or Leesburg, Florida locat...
The 12th Annual Dennis Kirk Patriot Ride was held July 8 at the Anoka County Blaine Airport at the Lynx FBO. The Patriot Ride recognizes and remembers the 1,741 American personnel listed by the Defense Department’s POW/MIA Office as missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, and pays tribute to veterans, law enforcement, and their families for their contribution to the safety and freedom of citizens of the United States. The day-long event includes a 50-mile ride, special recognition p...
It was a day to fly, to be sure. The June Fly-In Breakfast at the Moose Lake Carlton County Airport brought people out in droves, not only to eat pancakes and see the wide variety of aircraft, but to pay homage to people who affect aviation. From Ted Philman's family who received a plaque on his behalf for his contribution to sustaining the Moose Lake Carlton County Airport. Cirrus Aircraft employees Alexey Belkin and Brendon Butkiewicz arrived in the Cirrus SR20 with the Breast Cancer Ribbon...
What connection does small town, tourist-stop Hinckley, Minnesota have with a landmark flight from Marathon, Florida to Havana, Cuba? The answer may come as a surprise, but it's a lot more than first meets the eye. Former Hinckley resident turned Tobies co-owner, turned pilot, turned CEO of an international aircraft supplier, Tom Schrade, participated in the historical flight from Marathon to Havana organized by the International Air Rally on May 19 to 22. The Cuba Air Rally marks the first...
Aircraft attracting attention at the Aitkin Airport's 23 Annual Fly-In Breakfast June 25 included the LifeLink III helicopter, Adventure North Flying Services's 1979 Grumman Tiger, and Platt Hubbell's 1946 Republic Seabee,a an Oshkosh Grand Champion (2005) and Sun and Fun Grand Champion (2006). The Seabee was wrecked and sunk in Lake Shasta, California in January 2010. Hubbell purchased it in 2012 and had it flying again by March 2014. He hangars the aircraft in Brainerd....
Saturday, June 24, Faribault Airport officially commemorated the Liz Wall Strohfus Field. Pat Rice and Kathy Larson of the American Association of University Women presided over the ceremony, which opened with the Posting of the Colors by the Color Guard and Honor Guard. Dignitaries who honored the well-loved WASP included U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, Faribault Mayor Kevin Voracek, and American Aviation Heritage Foundation president Terry Baker, Major Stacey Meiser of the Minnesota Air National...
With the acute shortage of people to fill currently vacant positions in the airline industry, companies are looking for ways to draw interest to their specialty fields. One proven, effective way to reach out is to offer financial support for schooling. Following is a partial list of scholarship opportunities ranging from $500 to $5,000. Academy College AOPA
When your first airplane is the one you made of clothespins right around the time you learned to walk; when your father is a commercial airline pilot; when your mother encourages you in your aviation adventures, you've got a better than fair chance of buying, building, and flying aircraft for the rest of your life. John F. Hanson has a comfortable way of mixing boyhood dreams and experiential realities with human emotions and practical technicalities as he weaves stories of 21 aircraft...
As a Flight Instructor, I have covered emergency procedures ad nauseam. Follow maintenance procedures; make sure everything is documented and up to date. Do a thorough walk-around; file a flight plan; do a safety briefing and know how to use your seatbelts; fly the airplane first, know your V speeds; use a mental emergency checklist; find the best place to land into the wind. Aviate, navigate, communicate. Use a written emergency checklist if time permits. Crack the door(s) open prior to...
The Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame board is proud to announce the names of the 2018 Inductees. Six persons will be inducted at a Spring 2018 Induction Banquet; they are: Darrell E. Bolduc, aircraft engine specialist and seaplane pilot. Bolduc represents half of the first Father-son inductee pair, as his father, Wilmer Bolduc was inducted in 2002; Roland J. “Ron” Fagen, aerobatic pilot, prominent ethanol production businessman, Vietnam veteran and aviation museum owner; Lt. Ralph D. Gracie, WWI fighter pilot and casualty, the first Min...
This year the Duluth airshow, June 3rd and 4th, featured the U.S. Navy Blue Angels & Canadian Forces Snowbirds. The USAF flew the newest, and one of the most venerated planes, the F-35 Lightening II, and the P-51 Mustang in formation. The great bounds of advancement in our warbirds is clearly shown by the diggerences in form, and angle of attack! The F-35 wowed the crowd demonstrating that it is both powerful and agile and can dominate and survive n today's aerial combat arenas. The US Navy's...
Many pilots are intimidated to ask for flight following, but it can be a great additional layer of safety for your flight! You'll get another set of eyes watching over you and helping you spot traffic and weather, and you'll already be talking to a professional should you have an emergency and need help. The benefits are numerous! So, how does one take advantage of this opportunity? All you have to do is ask. The biggest thing with flight following is communication. This leads into our first...
Rushford Aviation, Inc. is putting out a warm welcome to avi-ators for several reasons this summer. During its July 15 fly-in a ceremony will be held announcing the airport's new name: Rushford Municipal Airport, Robert W. Bunke Field. "Rob Bunke is the gentleman primarily responsible for establishing the airport in the mid 1970's," said Rushford Aviation owner Mike Thern. The ceremony to honor Rob will begin at 10 a.m. Mark Baker, president of AOPA, and MnDOT Aeronautics officials will be...
From its well attended educational sessions to the EAA Leadership Summit Saturday night, the fourth annual Minnesota Pilots Association Great Minnesota at the Anoka county Blaine Airport was another rousing success. Nestled amongst the impressive collection of vintage aircraft in the Golden Wings Museum, vendors were set up in booths for attendees to visit throughout the April 29-30 event. The Museum's Ford Trimotor was backdrop to recognition ceremonies for the most Young Eagle flights given...
Tracy Lovness is passionate about flying, committed to her goal, and intensely detail oriented. All are components necessary to compete well in the 41st Annual Air Race Classic (ARC) June 20-23, starting in Fredrick, Maryland and terminating in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This is the Cirrus SR22 owner's fourth ARC. "The race is east to west this year," said Lovness. "That means head winds, so it's going to be very challenging. Still, it should be quite a nice ride." This year ARC participants draw...
Inclement weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of those who gathered at Minnesota Sea Plane Association's Safety Seminar held May 19-21 at Madden's Resort in Gull Lake. The beach was full of float planes. The land air strip had a fair number of aircraft, some with tents for an under wing camping adventure. Minnesota Sea Plane Association's president Steve Guetter gave a warm welcome to attendees and vendors, keeping well attended presentations on schedule with a humorously stated comment...
Though there were no burning issues, Executive Director of the Minnesota Business Aviation Association (MBAA) Gordon Hoff knows the wisdom of aviation enthusiasts establishing relationships with legislators. "It's important that we talk about the importance of aviation every year to our members so if we ever do have some kind of emergency, they know who we are and how to reach out to us," said Hoff. "We can be their resource." Hoff noted the importance of stressing to legislators that taxes...
The 28th Annual Induction Ceremony of the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame began, as usual, with a social hour and banquet at the Hyatt Regency Bloomington on April 22. What was most unusual was the passing of the torch for banquet management to a gracious Cheri Rohlfing who noted this year it took a 23-member planning committee to do what Noel and Mary Allard have been undertaking for 27 years. This year's Master of Ceremonies was radio host, Al Malmberg; keynote speakers were Dale Klapmeier...
COVER PHOTO: When Chuck Cook, pilot and owner of the T-28B he hangars at Anoka County Blaine Airport offered a ride to fellow pilot Mike Swiridow during the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, Mike graciously suggested the ride be a gift to Bonnie, his wife. Bonnie was smiling before the aircraft even left the ground. Well done, gentlemen!...
Isle Flying Club members Norb and Annette Gregory from Farmington taxi into Isle Airport in their beautifully restored 1946 model 8A Luscombe to participate in one of the airport's events drawing community members and visitors together....
Back in the 1950s and 60s, sod airstrips dotted farmlands all over the country. One such entity, Isle Airport on Mille Lacs Lake in Isle, Minnesota was activated in July 1956. While hangars and a Pilot Shack have been added, much of Isle Airport remains its quaint, nostalgic self. It was just that ambiance South St. Paul resident Dave Retka was looking for when seeking a place to hangar his 1939 Taylorcraft. "It's fun being up here," said Retka. "It reminds me of when I was a very young kid. My...
After accumulating aircraft and historically relevant aviation items for over 33 years, the Minnesota Air National Guard Museum finds itself in a tight spot, figuratively and literally. "Since we've had a change in the security posture in the United States, it makes it ever more challenging to stay open to allow the public to come out and visit the museum," said Museum Executive Director Jim Atwell. "Visitors must call seven days in advance and have a military ID or valid driver's license and a...
When I began this series of spotlights on Minnesota's top ten most important aviation persons, my intention was to feature the ten persons whose names had been foremost in the news and made the largest impact on the aviation community of Minnesota. I've already thumbnailed the earliest; Walter Bullock, earliest of our barnstormers; Clarence Hinck and Shorty dePonti, gritty pioneer businessmen; Speed Holman, daredevil and first pilot of Northwest Airways; Ray Miller, father of the Minnesota Air...
Anoka County Blaine Airport continues to grow its reputation as a community friendly facility. EAA Chapter 237, Twin Cities Aviation, R.C. Avionics, the American Wings Museum, and Golden Wings Museum once again opened their doors for an educational tour and hands-on adventures for over 40 youth ranging in age from infant to ninth grade, and 20 adults. The tour was arranged by EAA Chapter members Roger Hansen and Harvey Karth. While the younger members of the group visited aviation related...
Aviation enthusiasts from the region will gather April 26 at the Capitol in St. Paul to look their state legislators in the eye, offer a warm handshake, and establish (or refresh) a personal relationship. Aviation Day at the Capitol is arranged by the Minnesota Business Aviation Association (MBAA), Minnesota Council of Airports (MCOA), and the Minnesota Aviation Trades Association (MATA). Mike Beard, a member of all three organizations, also has a history of 12 years as a member of the...