Sorted by date Results 251 - 275 of 672
Barb Wiley can be considered a pioneer in aviation in state and nation, but she doesn't want to be considered that. As one of the first commercial women pilots in the nation and the first with North Central Airlines, she just wanted to be viewed for her skill as a pilot, rather than her gender. When she first applied to North Central in 1973 at age 29, she only used her initials. She got a letter back to a "Mr. B.J. Wiley." She then wrote her full name on the application to fly for them. Now she...
Bound for Alaska, Jim and Gloria Holte left this earth together on Monday, June 1st (2015). The two passed away as a result of an airplane accident near Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. The Holtes retired from the spraying business in 2014; Holte Flying Service was in business for 32 years. Since retirement, the couple had been planning for their dream destination. Their son, Brian, who is also a pilot, says the pre-planning was plenty. Jim and Gloria had always wanted to go to Alaska, he...
Everyone knows where they were on Sept. 11, 2001, Mark Nelson, the owner of Hawk Aviation in Rush City included. Just the day before, he broke ground on a new hangar for his business. This did not deter the dairy farmer to continue on and expand his business, noting that even when the skies were open again, VFR flights were not allowed, so IFR flights were filed to allow students the ability to continue training. From this start, Nelson was able to continue to grow his business, facing...
The event will be held on Saturday, April 27, at the Doubletree Hotel, 7800 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington. Tickets to the event and dinner cost $55. Mail your checks to Mail reservations and write check to: MAHOF, 6281 Mallory Lane, Eden Prairie, MN 55346, and signify if you want chicken marsala or Cuba port roasted pork. Also print your contact information, phone and e-mail. More information can be found at Hotel reservations can be made by calling 866-271-8967. Social Hour – 4:45 pm. T...
This is just a sample of the power of social media and a nice day to go flying after weeks of low visibility keeping many of us grounded. On Thursday December 13 at 6:23 p.m. Ryan Nelson posted on Facebook in a group called "MN Airshow, Fly-in and Flight Club" that he was having an "Impromptu rendezvous" at Milaca the next day, Friday December 14 at 1:00 p.m. That is short notice on a weekday and I wondered if anyone would make it. I need not have worried. It was about 12:45 when I arrived on a...
Brad Thornberg takes pictures for the same reason he flies a Super Cub...for the joy of it. His interest in photography began as a child, largely due to his father's influence. "Ever since I was little, my dad had a camera in his hand," said Thornberg" Thornberg and his siblings took up the hobby as well. "A lot of it is just amateur stuff where we're out there shooting more for the fun of it than anything else," Said Thornberg. Born in Cambridge, Minnesota, raised in Bloomington, and always fee...
Before engine shutdown, pilots should be able to know how much money they will have to shell out when making a pit stop at one of our nation's thousands of fixed based operators (FBOs). But the reality is that too many pilots are flying blind. Many FBOs don't clearly disclose the costs pilots will incur when making a fuel stop, parking on the ramp, or dropping off a passenger. It's time we end that practice before our pricey $100 hamburger turns into a $1,000 hamburger. Egregious pricing and...
Tree of Hope had another successful year thanks to all those that made donations and volunteered. Without people like you, Tree of Hope would not be successful. We were able to supply 40 hospitals across Minnesota (including two in Wisconsin), five Ronald McDonald Houses and three homeless shelters. The weather was not conducive to flying so there were no planes that flew in. Even Santa and his reindeer couldn't land. There were many that drove in to Maple Lake Airport to drop off toys and pick...
Girls in Aviation Day Long Beach will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2019, with approximately 250 girls ages 8 to 17 from the local area being introduced to the career and lifestyle possibilities available in aviation. Lt. General Stayce Harris will be the luncheon speaker. Based in Washington, D.C., she is the Inspector General of the Air Force, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. Secure online registration is available at Discounted registration is available for military personnel and full-time students....
Flight Unlimited President, Reverend Linton Scott introduces inner-city kids to general aviation for much more than the thrill of riding in an airplane. Based at Crystal Airport, Flight Unlimited's office is housed in the administration building next to the control tower. Its 1973 Piper Cherokee sits in a hangar nearby. "The first thing is not a ride," said Scott about learning how to fly. "The first thing is to get a broom and a rag and learn how to clean the plane and sweep the hangar. Kids...
It takes a man of vision to see potential for a thriving restaurant in a space located away from foot traffic, devoid of retail business, housed in the last building on a dead-end road. However, restaurateur, Troy Reding is a man of vision. The last restaurant in the Holman Field Administration Building at the St. Paul Downtown Airport closed in 1999. Flooding in the early 2000s kept the space deserted until an offer was presented to Reding late last year by the Metropolitan Airport Commission...
Academy College, located in Bloomington, MN, has established Preferred Hiring Agreements with CommutAir/United Express, GoJet Airlines, Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines, and Redwing Aero Company. These programs create opportunities in these companies for the students of Academy College enrolled in either the Commercial Pilot, Aircraft Dispatcher or Aviation Business programs. Preferred Hiring Agreements include many benefits for Academy College students, including the opportunity to observe training classes at airline corporate headquarters, access...
Brian Ryks thinks a lot about people. As Executive Director and CEO of the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC), thinking about people is an inherent part of the job. However, it's what Ryks thinks about people that proves him such an effective leader. He empowers people by believing in them, having reasonable expectations of them, and encouraging them to live well bal-anced lives, including time outside work. Ryks is responsible for the administration and management of MAC's seven-airport...
The FAA on Oct. 12 reopened the $500 rebate program to support Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipage. The program that had ended in September 2017 will now close Oct. 11, 2019. The previous rebate program, which ran from Sept. 19, 2016, to Sept. 18, 2017, issued more than 10,000 rebate payments. The agency is making $4.9 million available under the new rebate program, which will help to fund 9,792 new ADS-B Out installations. Beginning Jan. 2, 2020, aircraft flying in airspace where a transponder is necessary today...
Toy collection for the 2018 Tree of Hope is set for Saturday, December 1st at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Lake Airport (MGG). All volunteer organization so all money goes directly to toys for the children. In 2017, donations delivered by volunteers supplied toys to 39 hospitals across Minnesota. New toys are needed for children ranging in age from infants to 18-years old. Toys or craft items that can be used while the child is in the hospital to help pass the time. Monetary donations accepted also. Help...
In fond memory of Minnesota Flyer founder Sherman P. Booen 1913-2011....
During its fourth annual Girls in Aviation Day, 200 Stars of the North volunteers assisted 1,400 attendees at Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie where girls experienced STEM and aviation careers and opportunities. Stars of the North is the Minnesota Chapter of Women in Aviation International (WAI). "I think we are so lucky to have such a core group of passionate aviators in Minnesota, willing to put in months of time, or just one day, or even an afternoon to create an opportunity to bring the...
Women in Aviation International chapters have been surveyed. Results show Girls in Aviation Day 2018 accomplished its goal of introducing a record number of girls ages 8 to 17 to the career and lifestyle possibilities in the aviation world. As in past years, Girls in Aviation Day was hosted by WAI chapters (including several located on college/university campuses) with additional participation by WAI corporate members including airlines, FBOs, aviation museums, and flight schools. On October...
It's all very hush-hush until timing is right for the official announcement. However, Backus residents couldn't help but notice the professional film crew at the Bayside Resort dock on Pine Mountain Lake in Backus, Minnesota in September, shooting a scene for an upcoming, independently produced television series. Despite a chill breeze, mist hanging in the air, and temperatures struggling to reach 50 degrees, the 21-person crew from California (and other warm climate areas) stayed on task...
When it comes to advocating for a permanent resident living at a community airport, Ed and Connie Newberg, have, quite literally, lived their convictions for 38 years. When they got married in 1977, they moved to the Hector Municipal Airport. "Then resident, Gary (Bipes) had it for sale, and I was already hanging around at the airport quite a bit," said Ed Newberg, "so it just seemed a natural thing to do, live at the airport. We are just a mile from town. It's been wonderful." Hector Airport...
Going back in the old Mystery Plane Contest files from the days when I wrote the column, I was enthralled by a Christmastime event and the response I received from you FLYER readers. Let me explain. During the tensions of the Korean War, the US nuclear strike force included an awesome weapon, a high-altitude, long-range, ten-engine bomber which we were fairly certain could strike at the heart of the Soviet Union. The SAC B-36D aircraft was like nothing else. You only have to watch the opening...
Since 2015, Academy College has donated an Aircraft Dispatcher Course to the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Schedulers and Dispatch scholarship program. This scholarship provides the recipient with all the necessary knowledge and practical experience to obtain and become an FAA Certificated Aircraft Dispatcher. This year's recipient is Cody Solma. Cody was born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. After graduating high school, he attended the University of Omaha to pursue a...
Local pilots, AOPA members, and aviation aficionados welcomed Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.) to the Flying Cloud Airport in late August for a Meet and Greet hosted by AOPA to discuss matters important to general aviation. Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.) and Thunderbird Aviation Inc. President Nancy Grazzini Olson at Flying Cloud Airport in Minnesota. More than 30 people attended the event at Thunderbird Aviation, a fixed-base operation and flight school, to interact with Paulsen-a longtime ally and GA...
The dusty black Nissan rests by the "4C" pillar. I ditch the empty water bottles and other trash in a nearby can and settle in for the drive to Stead. We're staying at the Peppermill, a nice hotel and casino where inside it's never day or night. It clanks, whistles, clinks, shouts, and buzzes without pause, the search for the elusive jackpot an addictive lure. To me, it's a place to eat, sleep, and write. I'm not used to a pushbutton start or an automatic transmission. Old guy that I am, all my...
After a June postponement, the 3rd Annual Grass is a Gas Poker Run took flight on Saturday Sept. 8, starting at Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport. A beautiful day and plentiful prizes resulted in a record turnout of 32 aircraft and 46 players, flying to four different grass strips, approximately 160 NM, before returning to Brainerd to play their hand. Pilots were greeted at all stops with snacks. The Bowstring Flyers pulled out all the stops, greeting participants with home made sausage, egg and...