Sorted by date Results 201 - 225 of 672
Minnesota Flyer reader, Craig M. Rodamaker was recently awarded the top "Gold Level" award from MNDOT Aeronautics for completing their "Fly Minnesota Airports Passport" program. Craig states that "Essentially, I flew into over 130 of the 136 airports in MN and got my "passport" stamped at each, and also visited at least 6 aviation museums in MN and attended more than 6 FAA safely seminars. It took me about 6 years to complete this exercise, and according to Darlene at MNDOT there are only 43...
Isle had a very successful fly in on Sunday, July 14th. The threat of storms held off and the weather was beautiful. We had 45 planes fly in to land on the nicely manicured grass runway. Local friends of the airport were out to enjoy a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, and drinks. In all, 650 people were served. There were aircraft in from all over mid Minnesota with one flying in from the middle of South Dakota. We had everything from Piper Cubs to Bonanza fly into Isle....
On Saturday June 29th, I was lucky enough to be invited to go flying with my friend, Jay, in his C-206 with amphibious floats. We departed Balsam Lake, Wisconsin at 0900 and picked up a heading of 320 degrees. Our destination was Long Lake, northeast of Longville. My sister had invited us up for breakfast. We also wanted to fly over Birch Lake near Hackensack and get a birds eye view of a lake place my wife and I are buying. I gave my sister an ETA of 1000 just before departing Balsam Lake. I...
Here are a few photos showing some the activities offered at Crystal Open House/Fly-In, June 30th St. Cloud Regional Airport. The day offered much for young and old alike....
Lots of people came out to the Aitkin Fly-in on Sunday, June 30 despite the less than ideal weather. There were lots of displays, wild rice pancakes, and also classic cars. Tractors also gave rides to people to the y-in. Despite the severe weather in the area, there were lots of smiles on everyone. The event was hosted by Aero Minnesota/Aitkin Aviation. There was even a Christian rock band on Sunday morning, and a hangar dance on Saturday....
During the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering two months ago, the 2018-19 recipients of the FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot Awards were announced. These awards mark 50 years of safe ying. They are pictured here being presented awards by FAA FAASTeam program manager Al Thilmany during the celebration event. Also, one person, Stanley Weitemier, was awarded teh FAA Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award. Congratulations to all the honorees....
The 99s is an International organization of women pilots started in 1929 by 99 women who recognized the need for an organization to mentor, educate and support women in their aviation endeavors. Currently over 6,100 women belong to the 99s world-wide. The Minnesota Chapter is the second largest in Chapter in the North Central Section, with approximately 87 members...
Gordon "Gordy" Lewis receives an award at the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering in May for flying over 300 Angel Flights in his Cirrus SR22. Gordy learned to fly in his 70's and celebrated his 92nd birthday in July. With Lewis are Dr. Randal Corfman, president of the Minnesota Pilots Association, left, and Gary Black with Cirrus, right....
Thirty years difference. 37h.p E-2 Cub, same model which first flew 30 years ago on September 12, 1930, chugs along at 55 m.p.h. top speed with owner Luther Johnson, Greenville, S.C., at the controls in the open-air cockpit. Below the ancient Cub a 500 h.p. twin-engine Piper Aztec, and nearly four times faster, climbs up from Lock Haven airport....
Minneapolis, MN – Replacement exhaust collector assemblies are available for Cessna 180/182s through Aerospace Welding Inc. Minneapolis (AWI). Manufactured with a PMA and fabricated with the same materials used in the factory original systems, the combined stacks bolt onto the right and left side of the engine and are then attached to the muffler. The only difference between the AWI system and the original is the use of slip joints in place of clamped components. The “sleeve” upgrade will extend the life of the exhaust collector by allev...
Good weather is what everyone hopes for when planning an outside event and that is just what Grand Rapids EAA Chapter 412 had for their Fly-In breakfast held on June 1st. After a cool morning, it ended up being a beautiful 70° day. Along with breakfast was a silent auction offering many nice items to bid on. The money raised will go toward a scholarship fund. Each year, they award two or three $750.00 scholarships to students entering the aviation field. Chapter President Robert Bischoff...
Once again, aside from a little wind, the weather was perfect for a fly-in event! The Lakes Flying Club Annual Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast on Sat., June 15th, had a lot to offer. Planes, as well as vehicles, full of hungry people came and went all day long. Emergency Responders were there with an ambulance and a fire truck to look over and ask questions about. A Life Flight Helicopter and an Air Care Medical Helicopter were also there. Both of these drew a lot of interest from the crowd....
Michael Lilya, 19, of Moose Lake always wanted to fly. One of his first words were "plane," said his mother Sheryl. "As long as I can remember, I have wanted to fly," Michael said. In March 2018, he took his girlfriend, Kaitlyn, to the fly-in at the Cloquet airport and found a pilot to fly the two of them to Moose Lake. He had a special question to ask Kaitlyn. As they flew low over the Lilya home, Michael asked Kaitlyn to look in the yard, and she saw the question that he and his mother had...
W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., June 26, 2019 – ASTM International, a global standards leader, today published its first-ever technical report, a new type of offering. The organization’s first technical report serves as a guide, providing a framework for terminology and requirements for increasingly autonomous and complex aviation systems. “The aviation community is adopting more and more technologies that support automation and autonomy,” said ASTM International member Stephen Cook, Ph.D., of Northrop Grumman, who chaired the group that created the rep...
New Muffler Replacement Available for Cessna Skyhawks/Cardinals Minneapolis, MN – Aerospace Welding Minneapolis, Inc. (AWI), has been granted a PMA by the FAA allowing them to sell new replacement mufflers and shrouds for popular models of the Cessna 172 Skyhawk and Cardinal. The PMA covers the 172 (s/n 17256513 and up), the 172R, 172S and the 177 Cardinal. New muffler shrouds and exhaust stacks are also available. For a complete list of parts numbers and models affected, visit h...
Neal McCafferty found the perfect place to live and raise his family when they moved to Baxter, near Brainerd, to pilot helicopters for Life Link III, an air ambulance. "I'm loving my job and family life in Minnesota is spectacular," he said in a recent interview. McCafferty flew the Life Link III helicopter to the fly-in, drive-in breakfast at the Moose Lake-Carlton County Airport on Saturday, June 15. Another air ambulance came from North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale. "We came to do...
Through a donor who wishes to be anonymous, Women in Aviation International has awarded an additional $73,000 in 17 individual scholarships to be put toward flight and aviation maintenance training. These scholarships winners are: WAI Private Pilot Scholarship ($5,000 each): Madison Coutu, Toronto, Ontario; Kourtnie A Robin, Slidell, Louisiana; Rachel A Obajtek, Tehachapi, California; Aurora E Enriquez, Bozeman, Montana; Morgan D Sandstrom, Centerville, Ohio. WAI Instrument Certificate Scholarship ($5,000 each): Melissa Diaz Cooper, Kailua,...
It is easy to say that, although small electric aircraft are at last selling, they are a negligible part of the overall aircraft market. Mistake. They will work up from the bottom to be mainstream. Airbus, Boeing and Rolls Royce know this, but many others are sleeping through the future. Some of the successes are from small companies. Amazing new technologies are in the pipeline. The new IDTechEx report, “Manned Electric Aircraft 2020-2030” explains the significance of such things as distributed thrust with up to 30 thrusters, ionic thr...
F. Lee Bailey, famed criminal lawyer, former Marine pilot, chats with FLYER editor Sherm Booen at the Helicopter Association Convention at Disneyland, California. Bailey recently purchased controlling interest in the ENSTROM helicopter, manufactured in Menominee, Michigan. The 3 place, 100 mph Lycoming powered rotocraft is roomy, quiet and was a popular machine at the big show. Imperial Airways, Fleming Field, South St. Paul has been named an Enstrom dealer....
With so much to see and so many to talk to, we just couldn't fit all the photos in the original article....
Old 758B climbed out of FCM into a cloudless sky one Friday in July, and set course for Longville. In the right seat was son-in-law Bill Roberts, his lap full of maps and charts. He was getting his first real lesson in pilotage. The baggage compartment was full of fishing gear, which we hoped to use to some advantage the next two days. Skirting the big lake, we flew over John Reidl's beautiful Crow Wing County airport, then past Breezy and Cross Lake, before reving down for the approach to...
With new scholarships being posted weekly, WAI is ready to accept applications for dozens of scholarships. Currently, there are 85 scholarships offered for flight training, scholastic study, maintenance training, and a variety of scholarships for individuals in all stages of life. Internships are also being offered. Additional scholarships will be added in the coming weeks and months, and applicants are encouraged to check for new scholarships often. Applicants may apply for up to 3 scholarships per year. “When you think of scholarships, h...
Milaca, MN – Milaca Airport (18Y), north of Minneapolis, will become the site for a new event called the Sodbusters STOL Competition. The event, being organized by Jeff Pohl, will be held on Saturday, August 3 beginning at 10:00 a.m. There will be four categories of competition: Heavy Touring, Light Touring, Bush Class and Light Sport/Light Experimental Aircraft. Trophies will be presented to the winners of the four groups and plaques will be presented to those who finish in 2nd and 3rd place. The awards will be presented during a pig roast S...
On the evening of April 27th, the Doubletree Hotel in Bloomington, Minnesota was the scene of the thirtieth annual Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Induction Banquet. The day of honors began in the afternoon with a get-together at Wings of the North Aviation Museum at Flying Cloud, where guests got the grand tour of the Hall of Fame’s 200 plus award plaques honoring past inductees. The display is awesome and bears your visit – be sure to take that in during the summer. Over 400 guests including Minnesota notables and aviation community mem...
Breezy Point Airport has been renamed Breezy Point Airport at Muller Field, in Honor of Longtime Manager and Army Veteran. Breezy Point, MN (May 4, 2019). Today marked an historic moment at the Breezy Point Airport in the City of Breezy Point Minnesota. Not since 1949 has such a moment occurred. Executives of the airfield renamed the airport, which has been at the city's center since the early 1920's, after longtime airport manager and Vietnam Veteran Cliff Muller. Muller has lived on the field...