Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles from the December 1, 2016 edition

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  • Elbow Lake Municipal Airport is truly Pride of the Prairie

    C.M. Swanson|Dec 1, 2016

    Elbow Lake, Minnesota has earned the right to inscribe Pride of the Prairie on a sign at its municipal airport. Their modest population of 1,165 put together a thriving municipal airport that richly enhances their community. "People from Elbow Lake and the surrounding area have been involved in aviation since WWII," said Paul Brutlag, President of the current Airport Board of Directors. "In the early years, we used to have a grass strip and hangars with open fronts. Back in the 1970s we started...

  • #324-The Super Ximango motor glider

    Jim Hanson|Dec 1, 2016

    It was getting harder and harder to find a unique aircraft that I hadn't flown before, but since the start of this series, I've been offered the chance to fly some really unique aircraft. Taking them in sequence, this is the 324th aircraft I've had the pleasure of flying. The Ximango (pronounced "Zee-mon-go") motor glider is made in Brazil-an adaptation of the "stick and fabric" French Fournier motor glider-but modernized with carbon fibre construction. I had wanted to fly this little beauty...

  • Space travel revisited

    Tracy Lovness and Patrick Kluempke|Dec 1, 2016

    Proceed direct to earth Admitting they get few requests but were happy to oblige (after confirming our arrival with the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) Tower), Orlando Approach advised us to expect the RNAV GPS 15 approach. We were on a route from Atlanta via the MCN VOR to the famous SLF. Having received vectors upon reaching KEVB, we were more than just a little excited when Orlando issued directive. "Descend to 3,000," and moments later, "You are 5 miles from Earth (IAF)...proceed direct...

  • We are part of the community

    Dan McDowell MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2016

    Aviation as a whole is global in reach and scope, yet it maintains a feel of a tight-knit family. How often have you experienced, or overheard someone say they ran into someone they know at some out-of-the-way airport or destination who is in aviation? What are the chances for an encounter like that? In the community of aviation it is a frequent occurrence for many. That is one part of aviation that is always fun! That begs the question, what are we as aviation individuals, as well as aviation...

  • Did you know...

    Dec 1, 2016

    Boeing forecasts that between 2016 and 2035, the world's commercial aviation industry will require approximately: • 617,000 new commercial airline pilots • 679,000 new commercial airline maintenance technicians • 814,000 new cabin crew The 2016 outlook shows a growth of 10.5 percent for pilots over the 2015 outlook and 11.3 percent for maintenance technicians. New pilot demand is primarily driven by new airplane deliveries and fleet mix, while new technician demand is primarily driven by fleet...

  • TZD Initiative -Airside

    Rick Braunig MnDOT|Dec 1, 2016

    I don’t know how many people are still flying that remember seeing Ken Patz and Verdon Kleimenhagen doing safety seminars throughout Minnesota. Probably more of you remember Mark Schreier, Steve Szymanski, Marlan Perhus and me making the circuit, but even that is more years back then I care to talk about. The point is we have a long history of trying to affect the aviation accident rate. We have data that suggests that when we do safety seminars, we are preaching to the choir. People who attend have the right attitude about safety. They are n...

  • From the Director's Desk

    Cassandra Isackson Director Office of Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2016

    This has been a very busy year for us and 2017 looks even busier. We had a great experience at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2016 where we shared an exhibit with volunteers from Minnesota airport communities. Together we spoke to hundreds of folks to encourage flying in Minnesota, either as a destination, or on the way home. It was exciting! We'll continue to ask for your advice and involvement on ways to add energy to our outreach on behalf of Minnesota's excellent airport system. We're also evaluatin...

  • Are you ready?

    Dec 1, 2016

    Starting January 1, 2020, you must be equipped with ADS-B Out to fly in most controlled airspace. Federal Regulations 14 CFR 91.225 and 14 CFR 91.227 contain the details. Quite simply, Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B) is a precise satellite-based surveillance system. ADS-B Out uses GPS technology to determine an aircraft's location, airspeed and other data, and broadcasts that information to a network of ground stations, which relays the data to air traffic control displays a...

  • Airport of the Month - Eveleth Virginia

    Tom Foster|Dec 1, 2016

    If any two Minnesota Cities could be said to have a lot in common, it would be Virginia and Eveleth. They share a geographic location called the Mesabi Iron Range, or simply "The Range." Both started out as logging towns. Erwin Eveleth was an important person in the lumber business. The city was named after him. Many of the early lumber jacks moved to the area from Virginia. They named the other town after their home state. By 1900 the local economy had shifted from logging to iron mining. That...

  • Upcoming Events


    Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750. Sandstone. MN 55072-0750 or or January 28: Second Annual Jackson Seaplane Base Ski Plane Fly-In, Jackson Seaplane Base (MN61), 48123 Lily Ave, McGregor, MN 55760, free, Contact Paul Jackson 612-963-1655, Runway prepared. Base is on east shore to the south of Horseshoe Lake. Mogas available at...

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