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Do you hear those autumn leaves calling you? Yes, the autumnal equinox has passed. Leaves are dressing themselves in fall colors. You know what that means. It’s time to get out there and fly! At the Minnesota Flyer we’re still celebrating summer with writer Tom Lymbrun’s article describing a week at the Oshkosh Air Show. The Duluth Air Show made good use of what little favorable weather came their way. We’ve got some great photos for you! (Pg 14) A very hearty congratulations to Darrell Bolduc...
Wipaire, Inc.recently announced that approval has been received for performance- and utility-enhancing modifications for the Cessna 182 Skylane. These modifications currently include the Lycoming IO-580 engine conversion and a gross weight increase to 3,500 lbs (1,587 kg) when on Wipline 3000 floats. “Our goal for this project was to provide owners and pilots a more useful, better-performing airplane, and these modifications do just that,” stated Chuck Wiplinger, President and COO. “We like to say that these improvements are ‘the cure for the...
In September, Cirrus Aircraft announced the appointment of two customer team executives that reinforce the company’s leadership depth and further position the enterprise for global growth. Ben Kowalski has joined Cirrus Aircraft as Vice President of Marketing, and will be responsible for developing marketing, branding, communication and distribution strategies to support the company’s strategic growth plan, including activities around the launch of the Vision SF50 jet in 2015. He brings more than 15 years of experience leading initiatives in...
Wipaire, Inc. is pleased to announce that approval has been received for the installation of single-point fuel in the Airbus Puma 330 series helicopter. Previously approved on fixed-wing aircraft such as the Cessna Caravan series and the Quest KODIAK, the Puma 330 is the first rotary wing application of the Wipaire single-point fuel system, and the first Part 29 certification Wipaire has received. A large transport category helicopter, the Puma 330 is operated around the globe in both passenger and cargo applications. Wipaire’s single-point f...
Mahindra Aerospace, the aviation division of India’s Mahindra Group, has appointed Jon Dauplaise Vice President of Sales and Marketing for GippsAero Pty Ltd., its aircraftmanufacturing arm. As Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Dauplaise will lead global efforts to grow the company’s customer base and better service the international general aviation community. “We are pleased to have Jon join our global sales and marketing team. With his years of experience and clear love of general aviation, he is an asset to our team. With him on board...
My allergies are acting up. I wipe my nose with a rumpled cotton handkerchief that normally is stuffed in my back pocket. Sue grimaces at this practice, but wisely says nothing. I start the Jetta, trip the wipers, fore and aft, to get the dew off the windscreen, and back out, down the steep driveway from the hotel parking lot, and head for Wisconsin 44 at Ripon's 25 mph. Up the long hill, past the old cookie plant, workers carrying lunch pails, walk into the side entrance, past the sweet corn...
Tanis Aircraft Products, based out of Blaine, is the proud recipient of Transport Canada’s Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for the Tanis Preheat System on both the 4 and 6 cylinders Continental, Lycoming, and Franklin engines. The STC will be entered in the Canadian index of STC’s that have been familiarized or accepted by Transport Canada for installation on Canadian Type Certified/Accepted Aeronautical Products. Canadian pilots of piston aircraft can now reduce warm-up time, save fuel and fly safer in the coldest weather. The preheat sys...
Park Rapids Municipal Airport – Konshok Field opened its new crosswind runway in September. The new 75-foot by 3,500-foot paved and lighted Runway 18-36 replaces a turf runway, allowing the airport to offer improved year-round operations and land aircraft in nearly all wind and weather conditions. "The new crosswind runway is all about safety," said David Konshok, Park Rapids Airport Commission Chairman, longtime pilot and namesake of the airfield. In Park Rapids, crosswinds can at times exceed...
Most airmen can get through their flying careers without ever getting hooked up to one of those funny machines that spew out lots of wiggly lines. Those of us in the medicinal trade call it an electrocardiogram or EKG or ECG. Why the “K” instead of a “C”? The first practical electrocardiogram was introduced by a Dutch gentleman named Dr. Einthoven who spelled it with a C. However his bratwurst ingesting brethren in Germany popularized the procedure and called it an elektrokardiogramm. So to h...
There's lots of fun to be had in Alexandria. That's Minnesota not Egypt, although the Midwest town was named after the one in the Mideast. There's enough water in the area to keep any boater happy, plenty of fishing, lots of camping spots, and all kinds of good eating places. PGA Champion Tom Lehman's from the area, so naturally there's a lot of golf too. Seven public courses are within 15 minutes of downtown. Besides that, there's "Big Ole" and the Rune Stone Museum. Best of all you can fly to...
Before the end of WWII, Trans-Canada Air Lines foresaw the need for a domestically produced airliner. After considering the Douglas and Lockheed products, the decision was made to adapt the DC-4 with 1760 hp Rolls Royce Merlin 620 engines and a pressurized fuselage. The RCAF also expressed interest, but without the pressure cabin. After the war, Canadair brought C-54 tooling and components from Douglas's Chicago plant. Initial DC-4M and C-54GM production used many Douglas built parts. The...
Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750, or Oct. 25: White Bear Lake, MN. EAA Chapter #745 Fly-in Pancake Breakfast, 9 am - noon, Benson’s Airport (6MN9). Normally fuel on the airport, but call ahead. Benson's is 9 miles almost straight south of the Forest Lake airport (25D). Two landmarks for finding Benson’s are the water tower inside the pattern and B...