Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles from the September 1, 2018 edition

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  • September Cover

    Tom Lymburn|Sep 1, 2018

    Writer/Historian Tom Lymburn shares his "Camping under a classic" photo from EAA's Airventure at Witman Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This 1933 Stinson Junior, N18285, is owned by Douglas Taylor of Backus, MN. A typical Oshkosh view, with tents under the wing.... Full story

  • Pondering fuel prices

    Randle Corfman|Sep 1, 2018

    A joke question that I have heard more times than I care to admit, when posed to a student, is “What keeps an airplane in the air?” The answer: “Money”. One of the most convenient technology advances for those of us who fly piston driven aircraft is the self-serve pump. Those of my vintage (old geezer) recall the days when we had to plan ahead when making a cross country trip, making sure that the fixed base operator (FBO) was open at the time we would be needing fuel and, God forbid, if we l... Full story

  • Oshkosh Vignettes

    Tom Lymburn|Sep 1, 2018

    Tom Lymburn The railroad VFR traffic follows from Ripon, runs through little Pickett (unincorporated) to Oshkosh via Fisk. Pickett hasn't changed much in the 34 years I've been going to EAA. The gas station, grocery store, and Post Office are still in one building. The farm service business is next door. It's true, the corn canning plant has closed and the graveyard has grown, but that's about it. One hundred year anniversaries are relatively new to aviation. This year was the Centenary of the... Full story

  • Oshkosh Observations 2018

    Jim Hanson|Sep 1, 2018

    For the third year in a row, this will be one for the record books. Last year's attendance was up about 4%, and I'm guessing this year will be up about the same. We arrived with our motor home Saturday afternoon, about 1 1/2 hours after light rain started falling. The open camping spots were at the extreme south end of Stits-near the exit/dump station. The side roads were muddy, and I barely made it in (more about that later) but within minutes, people were getting stuck. Never mind, we were at... Full story

  • Family flying adventure

    Rick Mercil, Ricks Aviation Adventures|Sep 1, 2018

    Thanks to Minnesota Flyer reader, Rick Mercil, owner of Ricks Aviation Adventures for sharing his adventure of beating the crowds to share time exclusively with his family. In the middle of a hot summer, what's better than sneaking away to the Mountains of Montana with the family in the Cessna 185? If your answer is "nothing" you'd be right. That's just what my wife, Rosa and son, Hayden did the weekend of July 26-29. When everyone else was fighting the heat and lines at Oshkosh, we decided to... Full story

  • Milaca Fly-In/Camp-In

    Bob Heavirland|Sep 1, 2018

    Thanks to Minnesota Flyer reader, Bob Heavirland for taking the time and effort to share photos and a few words about his experience attending the Milaca Municipal Airport's 50th Annual Fly-In/Camp-In August 5. Attendees were welcomed to bring a dish to share in Saturday evening's pot luck dinner. Rounding out the evening was the Milaca American Legion performing the Flag Retirement Ceremony. Under wing camping, picnic tables, and a grill were available to visitors. The American Legion also... Full story

  • Welcome to Surfside

    Sep 1, 2018

    A welcoming body of water, a grass strip, airplanes, a pig roast, corn on the cob dipped in butter, and the camaraderie of fellow aviators...what more does a warm summer afternoon need to be great? The Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association experienced all this and more at their annual pig roast at Lino Lakes Seaplane Base, commonly known among pilots as Surfside. This year's event, held August 12, brought in a record breaking 292 visitors. Attendees also had the opportunity to acquire... Full story

  • Elbow Lake Airport Fly-In supports local Flekkefest

    C.M. Swanson|Sep 1, 2018

    Prairie Air FBO at the Elbow Lake Municipal Airport joyfully joins in uniting their community during Flekkefest, billed by the city as the annual celebration of everything Scandinavian. "Every year our activities have been building with more and more organizations from town becoming a part of it," said FBO operator Joe LaRue. Flekkefest is held the first weekend of August. This year Prairie Air hosted the Civil Air Patrol, the Elbow Lake Fire Department, held a bean bag tournament fund raiser... Full story

  • Wipaire marks milestone

    Wipaire Inc|Sep 1, 2018

    Wipaire, Inc. and Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) celebrated the delivery of the 100th set of Wipline 8750 floats on MAF's latest Cessna Caravan. First certified in July 2012, the Wipline 8750 float replaced Wipaire's long-running Wipline 8000 model. Upgrades from the Wipline 8000 to the Wipline 8750 include higher buoyancy, supporting a gross weight increase to 8,750 lbs./3,969 kg (a useful load increase of 390-750 lbs./177-340 kg), improved main gear design, and a new hull design for better... Full story

  • Plans Underway for WAI Girls in Aviation Day 2018

    Women in Aviation International|Sep 1, 2018

    In the Women in Aviation International's network of more than 115 chapters, corporate members, and partners, are making their plans for individual events for Girls in Aviation Day 2018. Celebrated worldwide, Girls in Aviation Day is now in its fourth year as a global event and is designed to introduce and educate girls 8 to 17 years of age on the many career choices and lifestyle possibilities offered by the aviation/aerospace industry. Recently, WAI's Girls in Aviation Day was recognized as an... Full story

  • Your Favorite Airport

    Dan McDowell with Kathy Vesely, MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2018

    Every aviator has a unique fondness in their heart for an airport that holds special memories for them. Those memories will forever remain with them. The picture of that airport, in their mind, will always be 72 degrees with clear air and visibility unlimited. In other words, simply perfect. That "picture" of the perfect airport likely includes not just great weather, but perfectly manicured grass, clean, smooth and long, wide runways and taxiways. Clearly money was available to keep this... Full story

  • Five Things You Should Know About PIREPs:*

    Dan McDowell, MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2018

    A pilot report or PIREP is a pilot’s report of actual weather conditions encountered while airborne. A PIREP’s main purpose is safety — it helps weather forecasters update their data and improve quality of forecast A PIREP filed to report good weather is just as important as a PIREP filed to report bad weather. Yes, you can submit them electronically. Check out the electronic PIREP submission tool at the National Weather Service’s Aviation Weather Center Digital Data Service (ADDS) website. Don’t be overly concerned with strict format or... Full story

  • Into the Blue

    Dan McDowell, MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2018

    These days it is common practice for nearly everyone to spend large amounts of time staring at electronic screens. Whether for work or for fun, our electronic devices have been deeply embedded in our lives. Even in aviation, we are using electronic pads to read flight charts, check the weather, to file flight plans, and much more. Then we climb into a cockpit with two or more electronic displays and head off into the blue. While many of these devices have actually made facets of our lives... Full story

  • Business aviation is essential to thousands of companies competing in a global marketplace

    Dan McDowell, MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2018

    Business aviation is defined as the use of a general aviation airplane for a business purpose. It is essential to tens of thousands of companies of all types and sizes in the U.S. that are trying to compete in a marketplace that demands speed, flexibility, efficiency and productivity. It is also a vital contributor to America's job base, economy and transportation system. Furthermore, it connects small towns and communities that often have little or no airline service. Equally important,... Full story

  • From the Director's Desk

    Cassandra Isackson, Director, Office of Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2018

    The value of an airport is appreciated by and impacted by its users, whether transient or based at the airport. Proper use and good planning can attract new users, new tenants, and inspire airport growth. In fact, your airport is, or can be a significant economic engine for your community. One way that you can help your airport stay viable and continue to attract new users and new tenants is by understanding what Grant Assurances mean to your airport and to its plans for the future. Read the... Full story

  • Airport of the Month

    Tom Foster|Sep 1, 2018

    By some standards, there's not much to Bowstring. It's officially an "unincorporated" place, meaning there's an identifiable community, but without a formal city charter. The population is about 120 people. The nearest level of organized government is Bowstring Township (population 242). This is all in Itasca County. There's also a Bowstring Lake, Bowstring River, and Bowstring State Forest. Using a better set of standards, Bowstring is paradise. There are woods, lakes, and streams. The area... Full story

  • To Sleep: Perchance to Dream - in the Flight Levels

    James D Latkin, PhD MD FACP CFI MEI Airline Transport Pilot FAA Sr Aviation Med. Examiner|Sep 1, 2018

    Going to sleep in flight can be a big problem. If you are the Pilot Flying going to sleep is really bad. If you're a long haul relief pilot, not going to sleep can spell trouble. A number of the airline pilots we see have difficulty sleeping in flight on trans-oceanic runs. If you're part of the cockpit crew or flying first class you at least have the option of lying down. That's a big help. Our pilots seem to prefer the newer Boeing 787's or Airbus 380's flight crew rest compartments that provi... Full story

  • The Mystery Airplane

    Tom Lymburn|Sep 1, 2018

    Ultra-light and light sport aircraft aren't new. Back in the early 1920's, The Daily Mail encouraged the design and manufacture of ultra light, inexpensive aircraft. One born of this competition was the DH. 53 Humming Bird. Originally fitted with a 750 cc Douglas motorcycle engine, the 524 pound Humming Bird debuted in October 1923. Later, powered with the 26 hp Blackbourne Tomtit and other engines, fifteen were produced, eight for the RAF. Three went to Australia, one to Russia, and one to... Full story

  • Ely Helicopter Services wins Star Master Builder Best Hangar competition

    Schweiss Doors|Sep 1, 2018

    FAIRFAX, Minnesota. Winning an award for a job well done is surely gratifying, but a satisfied customer is the top priority among craftsmen in any field. Bill Buckner of B&B Welding in Sallisaw, Okla., installed a 46- by 15-foot hydraulic door from Schweiss Doors on the Ely Helicopter Services hangar project, complete with two remote openers. The hangar was constructed with products from Star Building Systems. The building measures 70 feet long with a 16-foot eave height and a 2:12 slope on the... Full story

  • Brigham Nelson receives $10,000 scholarship

    Academy College|Sep 1, 2018

    Established in 2016 to celebrate Academy College's 80th Anniversary, the scholarship provides $10,000 for one aviation degree seeking student pursuing a professional pilot career in honor of Sherm Booen. Academy College, Bloomington Meet Brigham Nelson: Brigham Nelson was born and raised in River Falls, Wisconsin. He was inspired by aviation at a young age because of his interest in remote control airplanes. In the beginning, he struggled with take-offs and landings, but with time, he acquired... Full story

  • Upcoming Events


    Check this column each month to see that dates have not been cancelled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or September 28-30: Bowstring, MN, Bowstring Airport (9Y0) Fly-In/Drive-In/Camp-Out, Underwing Camping, Fri: Burgers and Brats 5 p.m.-7 p.m., Sat: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner: 7 a.m.-6 p.m, Sun: Breakfast, Lunch: 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Contact Kenneth Reichert 218-244-6328, Weather dates Oct 5... Full story

  • Fly-In Breakfast fundraiser

    Lions Club New Ulm|Sep 1, 2018

    This year, the Lions Club of New Ulm is preparing for 1,800 to attend their annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, a number based on last year’s 1,700 breakfasts served. Proceeds of the event are donated to organizations that help people with challenges with vision, hearing, and diabetes.... Full story

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