Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles from the August 1, 2019 edition

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  • August Cover

    Tim Franklin|Aug 1, 2019

    Andy Miller, AOPA’s Great Lakes You Can Fly Ambassador, was in Aitkin on Sunday, June 30.... Full story

  • Hangar Flying

    Randle Corfman, President, Mn Pilots Association|Aug 1, 2019

    I would like to take a few moments to give thanks to those who are part of our airborne emergency medical service teams. The recent tragedy at Brainerd brought forth the reality that the flight crew puts themselves in harms way to make a difference in our lives. Living in the great Country that we do makes us somewhat oblivious to the services that are provided by our medical system. It isn’t a perfect system, I understand. Things can and do go wrong. In cases such as the Brainerd tragedy someth... Full story

  • Isle Fly-In

    Bob Heavirland|Aug 1, 2019

    Isle had a very successful fly in on Sunday, July 14th. The threat of storms held off and the weather was beautiful. We had 45 planes fly in to land on the nicely manicured grass runway. Local friends of the airport were out to enjoy a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, and drinks. In all, 650 people were served. There were aircraft in from all over mid Minnesota with one flying in from the middle of South Dakota. We had everything from Piper Cubs to Bonanza fly into Isle.... Full story

  • Pilots are happier on a full stomach

    Pat Halligan|Aug 1, 2019

    On Saturday June 29th, I was lucky enough to be invited to go flying with my friend, Jay, in his C-206 with amphibious floats. We departed Balsam Lake, Wisconsin at 0900 and picked up a heading of 320 degrees. Our destination was Long Lake, northeast of Longville. My sister had invited us up for breakfast. We also wanted to fly over Birch Lake near Hackensack and get a birds eye view of a lake place my wife and I are buying. I gave my sister an ETA of 1000 just before departing Balsam Lake. I... Full story

  • Airport of the Month

    Tom Foster|Aug 1, 2019

    There must be a theme here. Piquadinaw is what the Ojibway called the area. That roughly translates as "it is hilly." European settlers saw the wisdom in that name and in 1910 Hill City was incorporated. That same year the first edition of the local newspaper said, "it would be a hard proposition to find a more ideal and sightly location for a town..." It might have been bragging and certainly wasn't great grammar, but it was all true. In the 21st century the area around Hill City is still... Full story

  • More Fly-In Fun to Share

    Aug 1, 2019

    Here are a few photos showing some the activities offered at Crystal Open House/Fly-In, June 30th St. Cloud Regional Airport. The day offered much for young and old alike.... Full story

  • Aeromedical Forum

    James D. Latkin PhD MD, FACP,CFI,CFII,MEI, Airline Trans. Pilot, FAA Sen. Med. Examiner|Aug 1, 2019

    Over thirty states have legalized the use of marijuana or its active ingredients (cannabinoids) either for medical or recreational use. Here in Minnesota medical marijuana has been available for several years although its use is strictly regulated by the State Department of Health. To get in the door of a cannabis (marijuana) dispensary you first have to be seen by a certifying physician approved by the health department. If you have any of the approved conditions inclusive of cancer associated... Full story

  • Mystery Airplane

    Tom Lymburn|Aug 1, 2019

    Established by the Canadian government in 1944 at Montreal to build a Merlin engined version of the DC-4/C-54, Canadair manufactured its own designs (Argus and Tutor) and license - built F-86 Sabres, Lockheed T-33s, Lockheed F-104s, and the Northrop F-5. In 1986, the company was sold to Bombardier. Canadair's unique amphibious CL-215 fire bomber, powered by two 2100 hp Pratt & Whitney R-2800 radials, was first flown on 23 October 1967 by W. Longhurst and made its first water takeoff on 1 May... Full story

  • Its a Living

    Jim Hanson|Aug 1, 2019

    This is #27 in a series of "non- traditional" pilot occupations I've done over the years. All too often, we think of an aviation career as "you could be a Charter pilot, Corporate pilot, Airline pilot, Ag pilot, etc. There is SO MUCH MORE to aviation beyond these traditional pilot positions, and I've tried to highlight the more "unusual" over the years. Many glider tow pilots are also sailplane pilots. There is no requirement to be a glider pilot to tow gliders, but you do need to know... Full story

  • Fun fly-in despite the weather

    Tim Franklin|Aug 1, 2019

    Lots of people came out to the Aitkin Fly-in on Sunday, June 30 despite the less than ideal weather. There were lots of displays, wild rice pancakes, and also classic cars. Tractors also gave rides to people to the y-in. Despite the severe weather in the area, there were lots of smiles on everyone. The event was hosted by Aero Minnesota/Aitkin Aviation. There was even a Christian rock band on Sunday morning, and a hangar dance on Saturday.... Full story

  • 50 years of safe flying

    Tim Franklin|Aug 1, 2019

    During the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering two months ago, the 2018-19 recipients of the FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot Awards were announced. These awards mark 50 years of safe ying. They are pictured here being presented awards by FAA FAASTeam program manager Al Thilmany during the celebration event. Also, one person, Stanley Weitemier, was awarded teh FAA Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award. Congratulations to all the honorees.... Full story

  • More from GMAG 2019

    Tim Franklin|Aug 1, 2019

    The 99s is an International organization of women pilots started in 1929 by 99 women who recognized the need for an organization to mentor, educate and support women in their aviation endeavors. Currently over 6,100 women belong to the 99s world-wide. The Minnesota Chapter is the second largest in Chapter in the North Central Section, with approximately 87 members... Full story

  • Gordon Lewis recognized for 300+ Angel Flights

    Tim Franklin|Aug 1, 2019

    Gordon "Gordy" Lewis receives an award at the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering in May for flying over 300 Angel Flights in his Cirrus SR22. Gordy learned to fly in his 70's and celebrated his 92nd birthday in July. With Lewis are Dr. Randal Corfman, president of the Minnesota Pilots Association, left, and Gary Black with Cirrus, right.... Full story


    Laura Herrmann, FAASTeam Rep|Aug 1, 2019

    Looking for some aviation education, a Wings credit, or maybe just a donut with coffee and some hangar flying? Look no further than the KFCM Saturday Morning Seminar Series! Seminars are held every Saturday morning from 0900-1000 and are free of charge. The only exceptions are holiday weekends, Oshkosh, Flying Cloud Air Expo and the Flying Cloud Air Tour. They are held at Modern Avionics/Air Trek North, 10000 Flying Cloud Drive, on the east side of the field. Flying in is encouraged – our Tower controllers are friendly and know that transients... Full story

  • From the Archives

    Aug 1, 2019

    Thirty years difference. 37h.p E-2 Cub, same model which first flew 30 years ago on September 12, 1930, chugs along at 55 m.p.h. top speed with owner Luther Johnson, Greenville, S.C., at the controls in the open-air cockpit. Below the ancient Cub a 500 h.p. twin-engine Piper Aztec, and nearly four times faster, climbs up from Lock Haven airport.... Full story

  • News Brief

    Aerospace Welding|Aug 1, 2019

    Minneapolis, MN – Replacement exhaust collector assemblies are available for Cessna 180/182s through Aerospace Welding Inc. Minneapolis (AWI). Manufactured with a PMA and fabricated with the same materials used in the factory original systems, the combined stacks bolt onto the right and left side of the engine and are then attached to the muffler. The only difference between the AWI system and the original is the use of slip joints in place of clamped components. The “sleeve” upgrade will extend the life of the exhaust collector by allev... Full story

  • Upcoming Events

    Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 449, Moose Lake, MN 55767 or, or Attention Pilots Be sure to get a Flight Service briefing from (800) WX-Brief before every flight and check your destination airport status. Sept. 19: Hibbing, Mn, Range Regional Airport (HIB), 5 p.m-7 p.m. Fly-In/Drive-In. Burger baskets $5.00, PIC eat free. Contact Barrett Ziemer 218-262-3452. Sept. 21:... Full story

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