Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles from the July 1, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 18 of 18

  • Moose Lake Fly-In a bit under the weather

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    As is commonly known, inclement weather tends to put a damper on parades, lemonade stands, and aviation fly-ins. Such was the situation with the Moose Lake Carlton County Fly-In Breakfast, Saturday, June 16 when low clouds prevented the normally robust attendance by area pilots. Even though rain and the threat of rain kept many aviators from the airport, drive-in traffic was proof positive of interest in the annual event. Glen Kowitz of Moose Lake had his Ultralight T-Bird on display on the... Full story

  • Drawing all eyes skyward

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    If you are looking for a role model to pick up a few pointers on how to be respectful to your heritage, drive or fly to Granite Falls, Minnesota for the next Ray Fagen Memorial Airshow. If you missed June's show this year, you missed a lot. From the opening ceremonies to the last of the evening's fireworks, the Fagen Family is all about paying homage to the Greatest Generation. This year's annual event was filled with thrilling aircraft displaying unique abilities in the air for an enthusiastic... Full story

  • Wings of the North Air Museum hosts two-day event

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    Major Heather Penney held her audience captive recounting her experiences as an F-16 pilot called into action after the Pentagon was struck by terrorists on September 11, 2001. At the conclusion of her presentation at the Wings of the North Air Museum (WOTN) in June, Penney spent another length of time fielding questions from her interested listeners. Yet, the focus of Major Penny's presentation was not on herself. It was on the "average, everyday Americans who answered the call," including fire... Full story

  • Rush City Fly-In draws people of all ages

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    One of the most positive aspects of community airport events is the family friendliness component. Always the Sunday before Father’s Day, this year’s Rush City Fly-In of June 10, gathered people of all ages to see aircraft as inspiring as the UH1-H “Huey” Helicopter famously flown in the Vietnam War, a 1941 Stinson L-5 from the Minnesota Commemorative Air Force, piloted by Jerry Kyser, president of honor Flight Twin Cities, several T-6s piloted by Chuck Datko, John Bormes, and Chris Koelzer... Full story

  • Volunteers honor Veterans with memorial fly-over at Capitol

    Jul 1, 2018

    Photographer Chris Lundberg captured the essence of the day with this image of the Saturday, June 23, Fly-Over at the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul in honor of the Vietnam Veteran's Moving Wall, a three quarter replica of the wall in Washington D.C. There are 58,318 names listed on the wall by date of when each was killed. In the sky, at the top of the photo are three T-6 aircraft, followed by three T-34s in the missing man formation, and a T-28. In the foreground is a "Huey" UH-1A helicopter... Full story

  • Buffalo Airport Fly-In Breakfast and Air Show!

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    Buffalo Airport was the place to be June 10 for the sights and sounds of Mike Wiskus of West Metro Aviation and his Pitts S- 1-11B aerobatics aircraft. Wiskus flew right side up, upside down, tail down, nose down, vertical climb, extreme dive, and any other possible position in which man commands his aircraft to fly for the thrill of the crowd. In a surprise guest appearance, stunt pilot, Craig Gifford also gave the eyeballs of attendees something to fasten on with an air show performance of... Full story

  • Sherman P. Booen 1913-2011

    Noel Allard|Jul 1, 2018

    This is the final person in a list of the ten most important figures that have shaped Minnesota aviation over the years. In previous chapters, you have learned about Clarence Hinck, Shorty DePonti, Speed Holman, Ray Miller, Walter Bullock, Max Conrad, Charles Lindbergh, Chuck Doyle and Jeff Hamiel. Each figure a giant in their field and known across the region for their accomplishments. Saving for the last of my top ten, the one person who really made General Aviation known and respected in... Full story

  • Discover Aviation Days

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    Discover Aviation Days at Anoka County Blaine Airport held in June offered a great pancake breakfast, FAA Safety Seminars, a Warbird Fly Over, T-6 Squad Fly-Overs, a K-9 Demonstration, Huey Helicopter Reenactment, an Education and Veteran's tent, and a parade of antique automobiles. Golden Wings Museum was open for public tours of its vintage aircraft. Food vendors supplied hot and cold menu items. Natured provided rain the first day of the two-day event and a chill wind the second but those... Full story

  • Beating the heat at Crystal Airport - Free ice cream!

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    Nothing cools off an extremely hot day like free ice cream and taking a turn at letting water escape from an official fire hose. Kids visiting the Crystal Airport Fly-In on an upper 90-degree day for their June 17 Fly-In, had the opportunity to do both. Though cloud cover graciously lent some relief from the sun's rays, high humidity pushed perceived temps up enough for the local Dairy Queen owner to offer several freezers full of free Dilly Bars to attendees of the event. Crystal Airport... Full story

  • Air show put together through blood, sweat and volunteers

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    Phil Fisher was drawn into the field of aviation through his certified welding skills and desire to help others. Over 27 years ago, a friend of Fisher's, who was also a member of the Planes of Fame aviation group asked if he would be willing to come to a hangar to help with some welding needs. The answer was yes, not only to do welding jobs, but eventually to become a member of the group. When Planes of Fame moved its aircraft to Palm Springs, Fisher remained in Minneapolis where he was born and... Full story


    Paul Van Brunt, CFII airtreknorth FAAST team rep|Jul 1, 2018

    Its finally warm and you are all set to fly your plane or go up in the club plane after not flying much over the winter. How do you get current safely and how long has it been since you flew? Can you go take off and have fun after months of not flying by just taking off and going for it? What does the FAA say? 14 CFR 61.57 states for day VFR, 3 take offs and landings within the preceding 90 days to take up passengers. According to the rules, if its been over 90 days that means you can get curren... Full story

  • Aeromedical Forum

    James D. Lakin, PhD,MD,FACP,CFI,CFII,MEI|Jul 1, 2018

    It’s been a long time since we’ve talked about the medical issues of high altitude flying. Since then General Aviation pilots have been spending more and more time at higher altitudes. The ubiquity of turbocharged single-engine GA craft has made it easy to crank an unpressurized cabin up to the flight levels and get that big tailwind. Before you do that though, make sure you have the right equipment for supplemental oxygen delivery and know how to use it! Your risks of oxygen starvation or hyp... Full story

  • Upcoming Events


    Check this column each month to see that dates have not been cancelled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or Aug 4-5: Milaca, MN, Milaca Municipal Airport (18Y), 50th Annual Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast (Aug 5 Breakfast) and Flag Retirement Ceremony (Aug 4 at 6:30 p.m.), underwing camping available. Contact John Oldenburg, Airport Manager at 320-983-6547, 320-267-6898,, or contact... Full story

  • Airport of the Month

    Tom Foster|Jul 1, 2018

    In 1858, Minnesota became the 32nd State of the Union. The new state's most populous county had about 13,000 residents, but it wasn't named after Louis Hennepin or Alexander Ramsey. That honor went to Millard Fillmore, who was president in 1853 when the county was incorporated. In the 21st century, Fillmore County has a population of about 21,000. It may no longer have the most people of any Minnesota county, but it could well have the best scenery. This is a part of the state that resembles... Full story

  • The Mystery Airplane

    Tom Lymburn|Jul 1, 2018

    Lloyd Stearman started with Matty Laird in Chicago, moved to Wichita, and later worked with Walter Beech and Clyde Cessna at Travel Air. In 1926, he set up Stearman Aircraft Company in Venice, CA, returning to Wichita in 1927. His company produced practical biplanes for sport, passengers, mail, and training. The classic C-3B, certified under Approved Type Certificate #55 of July 1928, appeared with a 220 hp Wright J-5 Whirlwind nine-cylinder radial. A three seater, it had the traditional welded... Full story

  • Let it be me

    Randle Corfman, President, Minnesota Pilots Association|Jul 1, 2018

    We are fortunate to have a wonderful airport system in Minnesota, thanks to a number of key organizations. Let’s face it, our airports didn’t just happen. I am concerned we take for granted what it takes to “make” an airport. Most of our airports started out as “airfields”, which pretty much consisted of an open area out away from farmhouses and other buildings so as to minimize obstructions. With time came the realization that creating hard surfaces offers some distinct advantages to the pilo... Full story

  • July Cover

    C.M. Swanson|Jul 1, 2018

    The Annual Ray Fagen Memorial Air Show in Granite Falls, Minnesota draws aviation fans in droves, provides an abundance of photo opportunities with wondrous air shows and static displays, pays respectful homage to the Greatest Generation, and plants seeds of aviation in attendees of all ages.... Full story

  • The Annual Ray Fagen Memorial Air Show in Granite Falls

    Jul 1, 2018

    The Annual Ray Fagen Memorial Air Show in Granite Falls, Minnesota draws aviation fans in droves, provides an abundance of photo opportunities with wondrous air shows and static displays, pays respectful homage to the Greatest Generation, and plants seeds of aviation in attendees of all ages....

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