Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles from the June 1, 2017 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 15 of 15

  • Pilots loving learning

    C.M. Swanson|Jun 1, 2017

    From its well attended educational sessions to the EAA Leadership Summit Saturday night, the fourth annual Minnesota Pilots Association Great Minnesota at the Anoka county Blaine Airport was another rousing success. Nestled amongst the impressive collection of vintage aircraft in the Golden Wings Museum, vendors were set up in booths for attendees to visit throughout the April 29-30 event. The Museum's Ford Trimotor was backdrop to recognition ceremonies for the most Young Eagle flights given...

  • Air Race Classic 2017 flies east to west route

    CM. Swanson|Jun 1, 2017

    Tracy Lovness is passionate about flying, committed to her goal, and intensely detail oriented. All are components necessary to compete well in the 41st Annual Air Race Classic (ARC) June 20-23, starting in Fredrick, Maryland and terminating in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This is the Cirrus SR22 owner's fourth ARC. "The race is east to west this year," said Lovness. "That means head winds, so it's going to be very challenging. Still, it should be quite a nice ride." This year ARC participants draw...

  • MSPA Safety Seminar

    C.M. Swanson|Jun 1, 2017

    Inclement weather did nothing to dampen the spirits of those who gathered at Minnesota Sea Plane Association's Safety Seminar held May 19-21 at Madden's Resort in Gull Lake. The beach was full of float planes. The land air strip had a fair number of aircraft, some with tents for an under wing camping adventure. Minnesota Sea Plane Association's president Steve Guetter gave a warm welcome to attendees and vendors, keeping well attended presentations on schedule with a humorously stated comment...

  • Aviation Day at the Capitol

    C.M. Swanson|Jun 1, 2017

    Though there were no burning issues, Executive Director of the Minnesota Business Aviation Association (MBAA) Gordon Hoff knows the wisdom of aviation enthusiasts establishing relationships with legislators. "It's important that we talk about the importance of aviation every year to our members so if we ever do have some kind of emergency, they know who we are and how to reach out to us," said Hoff. "We can be their resource." Hoff noted the importance of stressing to legislators that taxes...

  • Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame

    C.M. Swanson|Jun 1, 2017

    The 28th Annual Induction Ceremony of the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame began, as usual, with a social hour and banquet at the Hyatt Regency Bloomington on April 22. What was most unusual was the passing of the torch for banquet management to a gracious Cheri Rohlfing who noted this year it took a 23-member planning committee to do what Noel and Mary Allard have been undertaking for 27 years. This year's Master of Ceremonies was radio host, Al Malmberg; keynote speakers were Dale Klapmeier...

  • #323--The Murphy Rebel

    Jim Hanson|Jun 1, 2017

    After pre-takeoff checks, we started the takeoff. The aircraft just didn't want to get "on the step" of the floats-we were half-plowing-half step-taxiing. We aborted the takeoff to check for anything amiss-then tried it again. This time, we were able to get on the step-but the takeoff run was way long. Airborne, we flew to Warroad. I flew the entire way, and the aircraft felt normal. Kirk was OK with my making the landing at the Warroad airport-and the landing was good (most amphibian landings...

  • Airport of the Month

    Tom Foster|Jun 1, 2017

    In Fosston, they work hard and accomplish a lot. A list of the talents displayed by the residents over the years would be rather long. Alphabetically, the first two things on the list of what they're good at are airports and basketball. Both aviation and hoops have a long and colorful history in this northwest Minnesota town. Fosston Municipal Airport has served the needs of General Aviation since 1946. The basketball story is a little longer, and begins in 1889. After World War II, a local...

  • The Mystery Airplane Contest

    Tom Lymburn|Jun 1, 2017

    CASA or Construcciones Aeronauticas SA was formed in 1923 and became Spain's main aircraft company. It license-built aircraft from Dornier, Breguet, Vickers, Bucker, Heinkel, and Northrop in addition to producing aircraft of its own design. In 1980, it joined with Indonesia's IPTN to create Airtech for production of the CN-235 turboprop transport. Appealing to the military for its load carrying ability, excellent short field operations, and being adaptable to the maritime recon role, the...

  • Melanoma:The dark spot that can do you in!

    James D. Lakin|Jun 1, 2017

    Our cousin had a dark black spot on her lower leg for a couple of years. Her local doc told her not to worry. It got bigger. She let it slide for a few months as she and her husband were moving up here to The Cities. I got her in to a dermatologist who biopsied it and confirmed what we both were thinking and dreading-malignant melanoma. It had spread throughout her body. She was dead six months later. Unfortunately, this tragic story is a common one. The incidence of this form of skin cancer...

  • Aeronautics Bulletin

    Dan McDowel, MnDOT Aeronautics|Jun 1, 2017

    On January 1, 2020, the Federal Regulations 14 CFR§ 91.225 and 14 CFR § 91.227 go into effect, requiring any aircraft that flies in controlled airspace to have operating Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) equipment on board. What is ADS-B? Basically, ADS-B is a precise, satellite-based system that uses GPS (via ADS-B Out) to quickly determine an aircrafts' airspeed and location (and additional data), then transmits that information to the ground station network, which, in tur...

  • Opening the Door to the Community

    Dan McDowel, MnDOT Aeronautics|Jun 1, 2017

    One of the best parts of living in the Midwest is the opportunity to live in an area where "community" is important to most people, and neighbors are folks you actually know! Another version of "community" is the one that exists in the world of aviation. Think for a moment about how often you run into someone you know at an airport or at an aviation function. Remember when you met someone who is friends with someone you know, and who is your friend as well! Now that's community! If you attend an...

  • From the Director's Desk

    Cassandra Isackson, Director Office of Aeronautics|Jun 1, 2017

    Are you my customer? Do you know the products MnDOT Aeronautics provides? If you fly, and/or land in Minnesota, you are using some of our products for sure. MnDOT as a whole is working "to earn trust and increase transparency through a customer-centered organization in which we engage customers, listen to understand, and balance the diverse needs of all to achieve the best possible outcomes". At Aeronautics, we're learning the Customer Centered Culture (C3) principals and applying them to our...

  • Fast facts on thunderstorms and lightning

    Dan McDowel, MnDOT Aeronautics|Jun 1, 2017

    Thunderstoms need three things: • Moisture to form clouds and rain. • Unstable Air-relatively warm air that can rise rapidly. • Lift-fronts, sea breezes and mountains are capable of lifting air to help form thunderstorms. Surface dew point and temperature are a good indicator of storm severity. Thunderstorms forming over an area where the dew point is 50 F or higher with more than a 30 degree spread between temperature and dew point indicate a potential for extremely strong storms. Thund...

  • Upcoming Events


    Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750. Sandstone. MN 55072-0750 or or July 1: Starbuck Airport Pope County Flyers Annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast in conjunction with Heritage Days (July 1-July 4), Church Services in the park. For info please call Mary Jo Brown at 320 760-7749 or Tom Beuckens at 320 - 239-4273 July 8: Wething Detroit Lakes Regional...

  • Cover Photo

    c.m. Swanson|Jun 1, 2017

    COVER PHOTO: When Chuck Cook, pilot and owner of the T-28B he hangars at Anoka County Blaine Airport offered a ride to fellow pilot Mike Swiridow during the Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering, Mike graciously suggested the ride be a gift to Bonnie, his wife. Bonnie was smiling before the aircraft even left the ground. Well done, gentlemen!...