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Better seminars, food, camaraderie, weather, or fun just couldn't be ordered. The 2016 Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association's 2016 Safety Seminar at Madden's Resort was enjoyed by attendees, presenters, vendors, and perhaps even employees who had a chance to glance out a window or step outdoors to see the weekend's aviation activity, engage in captivating learning sessions, eat like royalty, and enjoy the company of others. Fun Meters were maxed during the Social Hour in the exhibit area at...
"Three years ago we had our first Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering," said Gregg Strathy, one of the founding directors of the Minnesota Pilot's Association. "This is our third. They just keep getting bigger and better. We've just really enjoyed it." The event was held at the Anoka County Blaine Airport. "We enjoy having everybody out here," said Strathy." Good weather helps. We've got great airplanes on display. We've got great speakers. We hope we are providing a great service for pilots in...
In a moving ceremony to present the Holocaust and POW Boxcar Exhibit at the Fagen Fighters WWII Museum, speaker Charles Fodor, a Jewish citizen of Budapest relates his experience as an 8-year-old child during the war. Fodor and his grandmother were saved by a stranger from a line of victims walking to their death in a mass shooting on the banks of the Danube River. German Historian Dr. Joachim "Yogi" Reppman (seated behind Fodor) shared his experience with Ron and Diane Fagen, owners of the...
Brady Clark is the first recipient of the first scholarship award presented by the Blaine Airport Promotions Group (BAPG). Graduating from Blaine High School-CEMS program with a 3.99 GPA, Clark is on his way to basic training in the Air Force National Guard, after which he will attend tech school with a focus on hydraulic mechanics for the C-130 Hercules aircraft. Clark is also enrolled in the commercial aviation program for the spring semester of 2017 at the University of North Dakota which...
C.M. Swanson Bob Lawson attended the second annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering at Anoka County Blaine Airport as a visitor. This year he was there as a vendor. "Last year I just walked around to see who was there and who the vendors were," said Lawson. "What I realized was, there was nobody there who does the kind of work on the interior of airplanes that I do. So this year, I came as a vendor." Lawson is the owner of a Fibrenew franchise. "I do leather, vinyl and plastic repair, restorat...
Most pilots enjoy flying different kinds of aircraft. Each aircraft has its own handling characteristics, performance, and even its own personality. In my aviation career, I've been able to fly a number of aircraft-320 to date. The person who has flown the greatest number of different aircraft is Royal Navy Pilot Eric "Winkle" Brown with 487 unique types flown. Brown, now 96, flew for the Royal Navy before WW II, was engaged in engineering and experimental test flying during the war (including...
Sharing a picnic lunch at an airport on a day seemingly special ordered for the event does a lot to encourage children to dream about entering the field of aviation when they grow up. Kindergartners from the University Avenue Aerospace Children's Engineering and Science Elementary (ACES) magnet school did just that as they visited Anoka County Blaine Airport in May. Blaine Airport Promotion Group Founder Harvey Karth and ACES Curriculum Integration Coordinator Kate Watson gathered an impressive...
Bob Lawson attended the second annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering at Anoka County Blaine Airport as a visitor. This year he was there as a vendor. "Last year I just walked around to see who was there and who the vendors were," said Lawson. "What I realized was, there was nobody there who does the kind of work on the interior of airplanes that I do. So this year, I came as a vendor." Lawson is the owner of a Fibrenew franchise. "I do leather, vinyl and plastic repair, restoration, and...
Dan McDowell Summer flying is arguably some of the most spectacular and fun to accomplish. The long sunny days give us plenty of daylight to work with. Once in the air the beauty of the shimmering lakes and varied shades of green that pass under our wings is simply amazing. Life and flight seem to be so easy, pleasurable, and simple. But the days of looking at a chart or two, filing a simple flight plan and taking off are long gone. Now because of the expanded use (and need) for Temporary...
MnDOT Aeronautics Many scientists believe that the human brain receives nearly 80% of the information it processes about the world around it, through vision. Thus only about 20% is derived from touch, taste, smell, and hearing combined. Illusions can occur when our senses misinterpret or receive ambiguous sensory information. Though there are a number of different illusions that can occur, this article will only address a few of them. Many illusions in flight can occur when visual acuity is...
MnDOT Aeronautics One of the perks and beauties of flight is the rare opportunity to fly through a cloud (most likely in an airliner), skimming through the tops of puffy white cumulus, and flying along the great halls and alleys between them. The beauty is at once immense and inspiring! But you very likely have had a fleeting thought of wishing you could stand on a cloud. And in fact you can, but that would be a cloud on the ground! A surface based cloud, (fog), one of the most common weather...
Summers in Minnesota are spectacular! It is a great time for flying as the days are long and sunshine abounds. With that in mind I want to let you know we can help your community planner and/or zoning administrator with technical glare analysis of solar power installations that may be proposed at or near your airport. Many communities are looking for new ways to be more energy self-reliant, and solar power is an often considered alternative. Before putting solar panels in place there are a...
Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Award Banquet's begin with an oh-so-fun social hour where people get mill around with their favorite beverage, introduce themselves to the inductees, and catch up with each other on what's happened for the past year. Artwork is displayed. Bios on inductees are available. Conversations about aviation abound. Stan Turner was the Master of Ceremonies at the April 30 banquet and ceremony held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Inductees were Lloyd A. Alsworth, Julie E....
Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750, or, or Sept. 3: Glencoe, MN. EAA Chapter 93, Glencoe UltraLite Flyers annual sweet corn and bratwurst feet fly-in, Glencoe Municipal (KGYL), 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Stuart Selchow, (320) 238-2376, Rescheduled from Aug. 20. Sept. 10: Luverne, MN. All...