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Isle Flying Club members Norb and Annette Gregory from Farmington taxi into Isle Airport in their beautifully restored 1946 model 8A Luscombe to participate in one of the airport's events drawing community members and visitors together....
Back in the 1950s and 60s, sod airstrips dotted farmlands all over the country. One such entity, Isle Airport on Mille Lacs Lake in Isle, Minnesota was activated in July 1956. While hangars and a Pilot Shack have been added, much of Isle Airport remains its quaint, nostalgic self. It was just that ambiance South St. Paul resident Dave Retka was looking for when seeking a place to hangar his 1939 Taylorcraft. "It's fun being up here," said Retka. "It reminds me of when I was a very young kid. My...
After accumulating aircraft and historically relevant aviation items for over 33 years, the Minnesota Air National Guard Museum finds itself in a tight spot, figuratively and literally. "Since we've had a change in the security posture in the United States, it makes it ever more challenging to stay open to allow the public to come out and visit the museum," said Museum Executive Director Jim Atwell. "Visitors must call seven days in advance and have a military ID or valid driver's license and a...
When I began this series of spotlights on Minnesota's top ten most important aviation persons, my intention was to feature the ten persons whose names had been foremost in the news and made the largest impact on the aviation community of Minnesota. I've already thumbnailed the earliest; Walter Bullock, earliest of our barnstormers; Clarence Hinck and Shorty dePonti, gritty pioneer businessmen; Speed Holman, daredevil and first pilot of Northwest Airways; Ray Miller, father of the Minnesota Air...
Runway incursions are an increasingly more frequent issue that can catch an airman in a situation where they don't want to be. Out of roughly 80,000 daily operations in the National Airspace System, we are seeing an average of three runway incursions per day! We have ever increasingly complex airspace, increasing traffic volume, and ATC is at a 28 year staffing low with a great deal of training being conducted. All these are factors can meet and get the unprepared pilot in a bad situation....
Kirk Hiner keeps a hangar at Warroad, Minnesota. He uses his RV-10 to fly to Warroad at Bonanza speeds, transfers to the Rebel on floats, and flies to the Angle, eliminating the 1 ½ hour drive and the Customs hassle. (Like others, he may be able to fly all the way if the Northwest Angle public airport is ever completed). We were going fishing at the Angle, so I flew to Warroad separately, as Kirk would be staying longer than I would to get the cabin ready for the season (a handy way for m...
Anoka County Blaine Airport continues to grow its reputation as a community friendly facility. EAA Chapter 237, Twin Cities Aviation, R.C. Avionics, the American Wings Museum, and Golden Wings Museum once again opened their doors for an educational tour and hands-on adventures for over 40 youth ranging in age from infant to ninth grade, and 20 adults. The tour was arranged by EAA Chapter members Roger Hansen and Harvey Karth. While the younger members of the group visited aviation related...
In the spring of 1876, George Armstrong Custer was returning to Fort Abraham Lincoln after meeting with General Alfred Terry at Fort Snelling. He stopped in Hawley, possibly because another officer in the 7th Cavalry Regiment (Marcus Reno) had a cousin supervising railroad construction in the area. Incidentally, "Reno's Camp" was the first of six names the town had between 1871 and 1874. Custer went on to fame and notoriety at the Little Big Horn that sum- mer. Hawley grew into one of the most...
Over the last two months we've covered the basics of BasicMed, an alternative to the Third Class Medical for flying legally. We've talked about what kind of flying you can and can't do under BasicMed; what you have to do to qualify under BasicMed; who is better off using BasicMed or a traditional Third Class Medical. Just in case you've missed them you can read the last two articles on the Minnesota Flyer web site. So let's say you've decided BasicMed is right for you. Just like the Third Class...
Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750. Sandstone. MN 55072-0750 or or June 17: Lake Air Flying Club Annual Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 7:30-11 a.m., Moose Lake-Carlton County Airport, (KMZH). Contact Larry Peterson 218-485-4441. June 17: EAA Chapter 745 Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Benson’s Airport (6MN9) White Bear Lake, MN 5...
The Czech Aero company got its start in 1919 manufacturing the Austria- Hungarian designed twin gun Phoenix fighter under license. Later, it produced its own designs for civil transports, fight- ers, and bombers. After World War II, the reformed Aero began production of a family of light transports, beginning with the Aero 45 of 1947. Designed by Jiri Bouzek, Ondrej Nemec, and Frantisek Vik, the prototype Aero 45 flew on 21 July 1947, the first Czech designed aircraft to be produced after...