Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles from the April 1, 2018 edition

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  • Meet Me in Moose Lake

    Steve Young|Apr 1, 2018

    Thanks to Minnesota Flyer reader, Steve Young of Wadena who wrote to us about several treasured experiences in aviation. He and Wendy, his wife also flew to Moose Lake for an interview in our Meet Me in Moose Lake series. We are pleased to share the following excerpts from his stories. Sparking an interest in aviation One winter day when I was about 10 years old, I was riding the bus home from school when I saw a "little yellow airplane" sitting in the snow covered field adjacent to our farm....

  • Lake Area Technical Institute's Learjet Capstone Project

    C.M. Swanson|Apr 1, 2018

    It may seem difficult to make a connection between pheasant hunting and a trip to Arkansas to retrieve a Learjet, but for Lake Area Technical Institute (LATI) in Watertown, South Dakota, the dots are there. Back in 2015, Eric Olson, a former student of LATI who went on to become involved in corporate aviation, was pheasant hunting in Castlewood, South Dakota with John Bucher, a corporate aircraft maintenance consultant. Together, they decided to tour Eric's alma mater. That tour ultimately... Full story

  • Cirrus Aircraft out and about

    Gary Black, Regional Sales Director, Great Plains|Apr 1, 2018

    Ol' stomping grounds We displayed our 7,000th Edition SR22T and Vision Jet on the aircraft carrier, USS MIDWAY CV-41, in San Diego. I flew off this carrier in 1985-1987 . It was great to show over 500 of our Cirrus partners in sales, service and training from around the world my old stomping grounds during Cirrus Customer Experience (CX 2018). PS, what is that black and white striped thing under the jet? Platinum Athens Blue I also have the first 2018 SR22 G6 demo aircraft in Platinum Athens... Full story

  • 2018 Aviation Day at the Capitol and KSTP

    Staff|Apr 1, 2018

    This year's Aviation Day at the Capitol, sponsored by MATA, MBAA, and MGA will kick off at the KSTP terminal building at Holman Field, then move to the Capitol. Wondering if you ought attend? Recommendations are for personnel at Fixed Base Operators, airport managers, airport commissioners, mayors, city council members, business aircraft owners and operators, corporate flight departments, aircraft technicians, aviation support service professionals, pilots and aviation enthusiasts. Attendees... Full story

  • Push to give away ATC ends – for now

    Joe Kildea, AOPA Senior Director of Communications|Apr 1, 2018

    House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), the leading proponent of legislation calling for the removal of air traffic control from the FAA, announced he would no longer pursue the controversial proposal. AOPA, along with hundreds of other aviation groups and organizations across the political spectrum, opposed the legislation, and AOPA members contacted their representatives in Congress more than 200,000 times asking them to oppose the bill. In a statement,... Full story


    Heather McNevin, Lead Safety Rep FAASTeam|Apr 1, 2018

    With Spring fast approaching, we are all eager to get back to summer flying and the exciting activities such as fly ins, trips to the lake, and not having to log night flight at 4:30 in the afternoon! With this excitement, it is easy to overlook opportunities that we can take advantage of to make our aviation activities safer and more enjoyable. Many people are unaware of the excellent educational opportunities (and many are FREE) that the WINGs program offers. For seminars near you, visit... Full story

  • Flyers who take advantage of winter events

    Rick Mercil, Ricks Aviation Adventures|Apr 1, 2018

    Fellow aviators: We sure had a great couple of weekends in February and March for flying. Jr's corner put on a great fly-in on February 24 on Upper Red Lake. The hot roast beef sandwich was one of the best I've had. Tanis Heater Company was a great sponsor and supporter of the event. The next day my son and I made our way to Warroad, landed on the river, and walked up to the Legion for some great Pancakes. Amy with Wipaire was there and my son was given a really nice thermal mug and calendar. A... Full story

  • Young Eagle milestone reached

    Staff|Apr 1, 2018

    EAA announced more than two million children between eight and 17 years old have been introduced to airplanes and aviation through the Young Eagles program which provides free rides by volunteer pilots. The Young Eagles program was founded in 1922. More than 50,000 students enrolled in Sporty's Learn to Fly Course, a free online instruction for ground school and flight training. Sporty's partners with EAA to provide this service. EAA Chapter 237 based at Anoka County Blaine Airport, is highly... Full story

  • Flightline Gifts seeks aviation related items

    Craig Schiller|Apr 1, 2018

    Flight Line Gifts is happy to announce the continued growth of our new aviation retail store. We helped many customers back in December looking for aviation gifts for family and friends. We continue to seek out more products for our shelves, and we have seen a drastic increase in consignment items which provides more unique and one-of-a-kind items for our customers. Our pilots supplies section is growing, besides the standard sectionals and books and oil, we have flight bags, lap boards,... Full story

  • Flying with Hepatitis C

    James D. Latkin PhD MD, FACP CFI MEI Airline Transport Pilot, FAA Senior Aviation Medical Examiner|Apr 1, 2018

    Not too long ago a pilot friend wandered into the clinic looking pretty rugged. His appetite was bad. He'd been losing weight. Felt tired all the time. He really got alarmed when he noticed his eyes turning yellow and his legs swelling. He was feeling a little confused at times. He was worried. We did a few blood tests that confirmed what I was suspecting-hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. In this case it was due to Hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C Virus, HCV or Hep C as it's often called, i... Full story

  • Airport of the Month

    Tom Foster|Apr 1, 2018

    Waseca (wasecha) is a Dakota word. The first Europeans to visit the area interpreted it to mean "rich" but the Native Americans who inhabited the Great Plains at the time had no concept of monetary wealth. What the Dakota were saying is the place had "plenty of provisions." In any case, the name stuck. The City of Waseca (and the county with the same name) is in one of the most fertile (and thus well provisioned) regions of North America. Waseca was platted in 1867 and incorporated in 1881.... Full story

  • April Mystery Airplane

    Tom Lymburn|Apr 1, 2018

    Jack Riley formed Riley Aircraft Corporation in 1952 to improve the performance of existing production aircraft. He converted the North American/Ryan Navion to twin engines, later selling the conversion rights to Temco, followed that with upgrading Cessna's 310 series as the Riley Rocket, and continued with conversions of Cessna 314, 340, 414, and 421 twins. In 1963 he upgraded the de Havilland DH. 104 Dove, originally first flown in September 1945, to the Riley Turbo Executive. A major conversi... Full story

  • MNPilots Hangar Flying

    Randle Corfman, President, Minnesota Pilots Association|Apr 1, 2018

    The 2018 Great MN Aviation Gathering is upon us, folks! We are confident this will be the best one yet! The event will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 27-28, at Golden Wings Flying Museum at KANE, likely for the last year at this beautiful and unique venue. GMAG is a great place to speak aviation. It doesn’t get much better than hangar flying with your fellow aviators as we celebrate aviation in our state. The Hangar Flying Sessions are featuring some top notch speakers again this year, w... Full story

  • April Cover

    Apr 1, 2018

    Steve Young of Wadena, Minnesota, and Phoenix Thiel, his 4-year-old grandson from Ottertail, walk away from a 1964 Cessna 172E, rented for the purpose of giving Phoenix his first ride in a general aviation aircraft. The flight sealed the deal for Phoenix who has been flying ever since. The photo was taken at Wadena Municipal Airport (ADC) by Grandma Wendy.... Full story

  • Upcoming Events


    Check this column each month to see that dates have not been cancelled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or April 18-20: Duluth, MN DECC, 2018 Minnesota Airports Conference. For details visit Conference website. April 21: Bloomington, MN, Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Induction Banquet. Hyatt Regency Hotel. Contact: Noel Allard 218-732-5100 or make reservations at April 27-28: Blain... Full story

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