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Mark Nelson center, owner of Hawk Aviation, along with his two sons, both pilots, Kyle, left, and Kevin, right. In an interwiew with C.M. Swanson, Mark talks about Hawk Aviation ground school....
One of the things I really enjoy about those who share my interest in aviation is the ingenuity, kindness and willingness to be of assistance that the vast majority possess. These great attributes certainly apply to those who have made it possible for us to hold the 6th Annual Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering (GMAG) at the Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE) on Friday and Saturday, April 26 & 27, 2019. You may recall that we have been in search of a venue which would appeal to our members. With... Full story
It's getting harder and harder to find a new type aircraft to fly. I don't count it as flying a unique type unless I do a takeoff or landing-no holding the controls enroute. Doing a takeoff or landing lets me experience nearly the full range of the aircraft handling-on the ground-the takeoff as the wing gathers lift-climb-cruise-glide, and the landing. Some aircraft owners are reluctant to allow someone to make those takeoffs or landings. I need not have worried about this one-it's a single-plac... Full story
Barb Wiley can be considered a pioneer in aviation in state and nation, but she doesn't want to be considered that. As one of the first commercial women pilots in the nation and the first with North Central Airlines, she just wanted to be viewed for her skill as a pilot, rather than her gender. When she first applied to North Central in 1973 at age 29, she only used her initials. She got a letter back to a "Mr. B.J. Wiley." She then wrote her full name on the application to fly for them. Now she... Full story
Bound for Alaska, Jim and Gloria Holte left this earth together on Monday, June 1st (2015). The two passed away as a result of an airplane accident near Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. The Holtes retired from the spraying business in 2014; Holte Flying Service was in business for 32 years. Since retirement, the couple had been planning for their dream destination. Their son, Brian, who is also a pilot, says the pre-planning was plenty. Jim and Gloria had always wanted to go to Alaska, he... Full story
One of my life goals is to land a single engine GA plane in all fifty states. In May, work took me east where I wanted to land in PA, DE, NJ, MD, VA, WV and fly the SFRA. I knew that there were quite a few rules regarding flight in and around DC, so I set out to learn the requirements. Flying the complicated airspace along the eastern seaboard can be challenging, especially when in and around the Washington, DC Special Flight Rules Area. The FRZ was created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, and the ADIZ was created in 2003. Since their creation,... Full story
Everyone knows where they were on Sept. 11, 2001, Mark Nelson, the owner of Hawk Aviation in Rush City included. Just the day before, he broke ground on a new hangar for his business. This did not deter the dairy farmer to continue on and expand his business, noting that even when the skies were open again, VFR flights were not allowed, so IFR flights were filed to allow students the ability to continue training. From this start, Nelson was able to continue to grow his business, facing... Full story
The event will be held on Saturday, April 27, at the Doubletree Hotel, 7800 Normandale Blvd., Bloomington. Tickets to the event and dinner cost $55. Mail your checks to Mail reservations and write check to: MAHOF, 6281 Mallory Lane, Eden Prairie, MN 55346, and signify if you want chicken marsala or Cuba port roasted pork. Also print your contact information, phone and e-mail. More information can be found at Hotel reservations can be made by calling 866-271-8967. Social Hour – 4:45 pm. T... Full story
Over the last two months we’ve been talking about the many problems that can pop up when using medicines while flying. Side effects to watch for in the labeling of over-the-counter medications include light-headedness, drowsiness, dizziness and visual disturbance. Allergy, cold and sinus medicines are some of the most common culprits. Be very careful if you are thinking about taking any of those. Prescription medications usually don’t come with a list of side effects so it’s important to ask y... Full story
Grygla is "The Biggest Town of Its Size." It must be true, the slogan is on the city website and letterhead. It's also true of the Grygla Municipal Airport. Between the small-town ambiance and the well-maintained airport, Grygla is a great destination. Located within walking distance of just about anything in Town, the airport has a 3400-foot-long lighted turf runway. A rotating beacon will help you find the place at night. There's a generous aircraft parking area, which is right next to the... Full story
Designed by Teddy Petter, and first flown by Wing Commander Roland Beamont on 13 May 1949, the Rolls Royce Avon powered Canberra was the RAF's first jet bomber. Produced in the U.K. by English Electric, Avro, Handley Page, and Shorts and, like A84-229 in this Oshkosh 1991 photo, by the Australian Government Aircraft Factory at Fishermen's Bend, the Canberra and its American Wright J-65 engined Martin B-57 cousin, remained in military service until the last RAF PR. 9 was retired in July 2006.... Full story
Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or March 9: (Snow date March 16) Buffalo, MN, Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE), West Metro Aviation hanger, Annual Chili Feed Fly-In, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., hosted by EAA Chapter 878, contact Laura Hermann, 952-210-8600, April 27: Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame 30th Annual Induction Banquet a... Full story