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Since its foundation in 1965, Lake Area Technical Institute (LATI) in Watertown, South Dakota has been training students for the workforce. That training is now recognized on a national level. In 2017 LATI received the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, recognizing its standing as "a benchmark for community college reform." For eight continuous years, LATI has been designated a Military Friendly school for going "over and above" in efforts to assist service members. LATI was also name...
Lake Area Technical Institute aviation program students visit the ANG base in Lincoln, Nebraska....
It was one of those events you shouldn't have missed. January 20 presented a perfect day for the Second Annual TrickAir Ski Plane Fly-In at Paul Jackson's Sea Plane Base in McGregor, Minnesota. Over 50 aircraft flew in to the event, some from as far away as Kansas City, Missouri and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The crowd was wowed by Tony Phillippi's Noorduyn Norseman flown in from Anoka County Blaine Airport. "Tony Phillippi was nice enough to come up and show us his beautiful airplane," said event or...
It was back in 1960 when LaVern Knoepke drove to the Pipestone Airport in southwestern Minnesota to check out a 1940 pre-war, stick controlled Aeronca Chief he heard was for sale. "The guy who owned it was 83-years old and wasn't flying anymore," said Knoepke. "So I went out there and yeah, it hadn't been flown for a long time. It had bird droppings on the wings about two inches thick. I thought, oh gosh. This is terrible." The airport manager confidently assured the potential buyer he could...
Five days later, we got a chance to finish the flight check. Kirk came to Albert Lea so we could trade time-he wanted to fly my Lake Amphibian.Since the engine was still warm, it took no time at all to fire up and get ready for takeoff-except that we had to wait about 2 1/2 minutes for the glass displays to come up to speed. This time, we had a 15 knot wind blowing right down the runway.The RV accelerated quickly in the 50 degree temperatures, and we broke ground in about 500 feet with no specia...
AOPA President and CEO Mark Baker was among a distinguished group of aviators inducted into the Living Legends of Aviation January 19, at a ceremony in Beverly Hills, California. Baker was recognized for his passion for aviation, his willingness to share it with others, and for his leadership in supporting general aviation causes. Other honorees included GE Aviation President and CEO David Joyce, who received the Lifetime Industry Award; Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Director General J.R....
About seven years ago I met Don, a retired seed corn salesman and avid ping pong player. We hit it off right away. He asked if I had ever played ping pong or if I was interested in playing. I last played in high school where I had actually won the school championship a couple times. Don's offer sounded like a fun way to spend time indoors during a long, lonely Minnesota winter. He was playing at the Northfield Senior Center and encouraged me to play there. The Senior Center sponsors a ping pong...
It's so refreshing to hear good news. That is exactly what Dave Retka, Isle Flying Club President in Isle, Minnesota offers regarding activity at the private grass strip. In his annual report, Retka states the Isle Airport (private) symbol is now shown on aviation sectional charts. Membership in the club has grown from under 60 to 98 in the last year. Since the club is a public non-profit organization, dues are actually tax deductible. The club joined the Recreational Aviation Foundation to...
Minnesota is blessed with two great streams called Pine River. One originates in a chain of lakes in east central Minnesota, then flows north and east to join the Kettle River near Sandstone. The other, Pine River, joins the Mississippi near Crosby after rising in central Minnesota. Both are scenic rivers. They're excellent for canoeing, kayaking and tubing. The second one is better for pilots though, because there is an airport on it. The western river also includes the White Fish Chain,...
Well, it's still winter in Minnesota. Last month we talked about cold injury and how to avoid it while pre-flighting and operating your aircraft in a Northern winter. Now let's look at how to stay alive just in case you missed something in your preflight and had to make a forced landing. If you had to put her in a field in Southern Minnesota, it's probably no more than a half mile walk to the nearest farm house. If you're north of Hinckley or flying out west however, it is probably not going to...
Drones have become a rapidly growing industry in the last few years. People fly them for a variety of reasons, including photography, research, farming applications, survey work, rescue work, and pleasure. With the growing number of drone owners, we can count on a growing number of manmade objects in the sky being flown by people who know nothing of aviation. Don’t get me wrong, there are numerous people who are very conscientious about their operations and conduct them safely and within regulation. Unfortunately, not everyone does so. You may...
Designed by Doug Webber and Noel Hockaday, the two seat Model 6000 Speedster was delayed in production due to not being able to meet government spin regulations. The first two Speedsters, including NC15865 in this photo, were powered by a 95 hp four cylinder inverted A.C.E. Cirrus Hi-Drive air cooled engine. Cirrus engines, produced in Marysville, Michigan, from 1928 to 1935, were used mostly as power for the Fairchild 22 and Great Lakes Trainers. When the company folded, Menasco picked up the...
We recently had our annual business meeting for the Minnesota Pilots Association. We had a wonderful evening! Amongst the items of business was the election for three Board of Directors positions. We are pleased to announce Gregg Strathy and Steve Thibault have been re-elected, and Patrick Halligan has been elected to his first term. We are so grateful for these three outstanding individuals, and the expertise and energy they bring to the board. The annual meeting gives us a chance to review...
Check this column each month to see that dates have not been cancelled or changed. Send notices six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750 or or February 25: Warroad, MN, 40th Annual Warroad Lions Ski Plane Fly-In Breakfast. Ski Planes land on the Warroad River, others at Warroad Airport (KRRT), 8 a.m. - noon. Shuttle service available. Contact Dave Paulson, 218-386-1818 or 218-386-2098 or March 17: Cloquet, MN, Cloquet...