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In Canby, they breed wrestlers and aviators. Sometimes both talents end up in the same person. Since 1976 the Canby High School Lancers have won 8 state titles in wrestling. Matt Wagner was on the teams that won the titles in 1994 and 1995. Now he's the Canby Airport Manager, with a "day" job flying Boeing 737s for a major airline. When a member of the 2006 wrestling team got the aviation bug, Matt told him he'd teach him to fly at no charge if they won the title. His team won the title and Tad...
Airlines are hiring! These are welcome words for students of aviation at Academy College in Bloomington and it shows. Academy College has seen an incredible spike in pilot candidate and other aviation centered enrollments. "Over the past 30 years there have been small pockets of hiring," said Nancy Grazzini-Olson, Academy College President. "However, right now the demand to hire pilots has never been greater, with the hiring trend projected to continue over the next ten years." "It is...
"Kids love airplanes and astronauts and dinosaurs," said Kate Watson, Curriculum Integration Coordinator at University Avenue Aerospace Children's Engineering and Science, Anoka Hennepin School District. "Being an aerospace school, we get the airplanes and the astronauts." Watson manages the Science Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Aerospace program for the magnet school of 600 students. In her coordination activities, she has teamed the school up with a wide variety of entities and individu...
This month's winner Dave Gunderson of Mora wrote, "This little beauty is a Hannaford Bee-model D-1, completed in 1981 by homebuilder John Bright." Joe Connell of Stewartville wasn't fooled either, "I have a Kitfox and used to share a hangar at the Rochester Airport with John Hanson who built a Parakeet." Barry Taylor of Ottumwa, Iowa, called it, "One of my favorite airplanes." Graydon Carlson found the answer in a 1955-1956 issue of Air Progress magazine! Did you note the two different spellings...
Melissa Aho @melissaaho Did you know that the first "A" in NASA stands for Aeronautics? While most people associate NASA with space exploration, aviation (including General Aviation) is still important to NASA's mission. NASA is also on the forefront with social media and communicating its message in a variety of new and unique ways. In fact, it has taken its social media commitment a step further and has created NASA Social Media events. These events are arranged around a topic (such as a...
Stars of the North, the Minnesota chapter of Women in Aviation joined several other groups in Chanhassen one evening in January to pack 42 boxes of food, that will find their way to Haiti with the non-profit, Christian organization, Feed My Starving Children. "We learned it was the equivalent of feeding 25 kids for one year," said president of Stars of the North, Jenny Nietfeld. "We had a very good turnout. It was very rewarding." Stars of the North sometimes gather socially, just to have fun, l...
In dual roles as a pilot of an CRJ 900 passenger aircraft, and as a Simulator Flight Instructor, both for Endeavor Air, Captain Lukas Eaton made a presentation to students at Chisago Lakes High School at its Career Day in January. Speaking from experience, he noted that, if a person is interested in a career in aviation, the best planning begins far before college. Eaton grew up right across the border in Ellsworth, Wisconsin where he used to watch Northwest aircraft take off and land in...
FREDERICK, MD – Mark Baker, president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), was awarded the ‘Harrison Ford Legacy in Aviation Award’ Friday during the 12th annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards celebration in Beverly Hills. Baker, a native of Minnesota, was recognized for achievement in aviation and as the head of the world’s largest aviation member organization. “It’s obviously a very proud moment to have this kind of recognition,” Baker said upon receiving the award named in honor of the actor who has served as a spokesma...
Back in last June, we talked about new training options for learning about hypoxia and your own specific response to low blood oxygen. As an alternative to an extended cross-country flight to an altitude chamber, the FAA has introduced the so-called portable reduced oxygen training enclosure or PROTE. This can be transported to an FBO near you and provide a great real life experience of hypoxia under carefully controlled conditions. Responding to the article, one of our faithful readers pointed...
This is the fourth in a series of thumbnails of the ten most important Minnesota aviation pioneers, from the files of the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame. It would be hard to discover on a more important figure in the development of Minnesota aviation than Raymond Simeon Miller. Besides being the Father of the Minnesota Air Guard, Miller's career with the new Minnesota Aeronautics Commission brought him to the forefront of Minnesota's pioneer licensing and flying rules. Miller was born in Van...