Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles from the January 1, 2016 edition

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  • Breaking the norm

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    Tracy Lovness packs an impressive amount of passion into her flying experience. Commonly, the story about how one becomes a pilot originates with a childhood dream. Lovness breaks that norm. Born, raised, and still based in Stillwater Minnesota just three miles from the home in which she grew up, Lovness began her flying career as an adult. All it took was one demo ride to realize her life was about to change. "It was a perfect summer day," said Lovness. "The instructor flew over our house so I...

  • Northpoint Aviation builds international contacts

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    Northpoint Aviation, the FBO at Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport is smoothly keeping stride with ever growing, always progressive forces behind the original formation and development of the region's airfield. In the 1920's Henry Rosko housed Brainerd's first airfield. The 1940's saw a partnership between the city of Brainerd and Crow Wing County resulting in land acquisition and development of a new airport to meet the needs of increased air traffic. Brainerd resident Walter Wieland implored the...

  • Tree of Hope 2015 a success

    Staff Reports, Minnesota Flyer|Jan 1, 2016

    Saturday, December 5th dawned sunny and warm, but high winds and turbulence kept some airplanes in the hangers. Surface winds were reported to be up to 20 knots from the south (which exceed the maximum cross wind component of some planes) and 45 knots at 3000 feet. Planes few in from all parts of the state to deliver their donations of toys for Tree of Hope. The airport ramp was crowded with planes most of the morning. Tree of Hope 2015 had a record 22 pilots fly in with toys, helping to spread...

  • Airport of the Month: Winsted

    Tom Foster, Minnesota Flyer|Jan 1, 2016

    Everyone agreed that July 31, 1966 was a great day for an airshow and Winsted was a perfect place to have one. To make a good day even better, Minnesota Flyer founder Sherm Booen was "Master of Ceremonies" for the first airshow at the Winsted Municipal Airport. After some "sky divers" did their act, Booen announced there would be a "fly-by" of a Northwest Airlines 707. Captain Spencer Marsh grew up in nearby Glencoe and had arranged for the airliner to come by Winsted during a training flight....

  • Mystery Airplane: January 2016

    Tom Lymburn, Minnesota Flyer|Jan 1, 2016

    Hawker Siddeley Kestrel FGA. Mk. I (XV-6A) Evolved from the Hawker P.1127, which made successful use of the Bristol Siddeley Pegasus vectored thrust turbofan, the Kestrel paved the way for the V/STOL combat capable, and later battle tested in the 1982 Falklands War, Harrier, that remains in service with the USMC, Italy, India and Spain. Work began in 1958. The first free flight of P.1127 serial number XP831 took place on 19 November 1960. Another prototype and four development aircraft...

  • Keeping the important things the important things

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    Brad Johnson, Strategic Account Executive at The Nerdery, a custom software design and development company based in Bloomington, activates his belief in the value of involving youth in aviation by volunteering with AirSpace Minnesota. "I had been looking for a way to get involved in promoting aviation to youth," said Johnson, a Go Boldly Ambassador with AirSpace Minnesota's Hub Leader program. "Unless we get youth excited and get them to understand the opportunities that exist in aviation, there...

  • Return to Edwards

    Jim Hanson|Jan 1, 2016

    Most pilots of any age have had at least a fleeting desire to visit Edwards Air Force Base. During WW II, it was the site of "Special Projects" and testing. Military personnel might be aware that something secret was going on at "Muroc" as it was then called, but information was only distributed on a need-to-know basis. During the war, flight testing was transferred from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio to the wide open spaces of the high desert in California. Captured enemy...

  • Meet Me in Moose Lake

    C.M. Swanson|Jan 1, 2016

    When he was in junior high school, Tom Stillwell wanted to become a pilot. His pursuit was delayed by one of those pesky adults in an authoritative role who told him wearing glasses would disqualify him for that position. So he did the next best thing. He became a surgeon. It was a circuitous route, attending Hamline University, getting married, beginning a family, going to grad school at the University of Wisconsin, joining the Navy with the provision of receiving a scholarship to attend...

  • Minnesota Flyer|Jan 1, 2016

    Interested in a career in aviation? Apply for one of three $1,500 scholarships by midnight Monday- February 1st! It's easy to apply: write a short, 500+ word essay on what you would use the scholarship money for. Go here for more info- NOTE, you can email in your essay!...  Website

  • MnDOT releases guidance for recreational drone purchasers, users

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Jan 1, 2016

    Planning on buying or receiving a recreational drone this holiday season? The Minnesota Department of Transportation offers some guidelines for operators of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (also known as Unmanned Aircraft Systems or drones) to keep them and the people around them safe. "Flying recreational drones can be fun. However, operators are responsible for the safe use of their UAV and for the safety of people who may be unaware a UAV is near them," said Rick Braunig, MnDOT aviation safety and...

  • Upcoming Events


    Check this column each month to see that dates have not been canceled or changed. Send notices of events at least six weeks in advance of publication to the Minnesota Flyer, P.O. Box 750, Sandstone, MN 55072-0750, or or Feb. 6, 2016: Park Rapids, MN. Fifth Annual Zorbaz Zki Plane Chili Fly-In, 11a.m.-2 p.m., Little Sand Lake, (7 nm NW of Park Rapids on the 042 degree PKD radial, N46.978304 W -94.949727. Robb, (218) 237-1969,, for updates. Self-serve fuel available at Park...

  • Aeromedical Forum: January 2016

    Dr. James D. Lakin, Minnesota Flyer|Jan 1, 2016

    A few months ago I had a chance to listen to a presentation by a staff attorney from the Enforcement Division of the FAA’s Washington office, Amanda Bruchs. She talked quite a bit about the issues of falsification of the application for medical certification that most of us fill out periodically. I’m talking about FAA Form 8500-8, that miracle of fine print and little boxes into which you pour your life history. Indeed, down in the lower left hand corner of page two we are informed that “Whosoev...