Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles written by Ryan Gaug

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  • Change Is In The Air At MnDOT Aeronautics

    Ryan Gaug, Interim Director, MnDOT Aeronautics|Jun 1, 2022

    If you are a regular customer or partner of MnDOT’s Office of Aeronautics, then you are likely already aware of the long-term staffing transition that began several years ago and is very much still in process today. My goal in writing this is to bring you up to speed regarding these changes, but also to share a bit of what is yet to come. One of the biggest changes to share, and most impactful to me personally, is that effective April 25, 2022, I became Interim Director of Aeronautics, following the retirement of our long-time director, C...

  • What are PFAS? And is your community prepared?

    Ryan Gaug, MnDOT Aeronautics|Jun 1, 2020

    This past January, just before COVID-19 became widely known and the world would change in ways we could never imagine, I was on a flight to Washington DC preparing for the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. I’m honored to serve on TRB’s Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Relations in Aviation, or AV010 for short. AV010 focuses on important aviation research and this meeting is one of my favorite work events to attend. Not long before my DC trip, but well before I was paying attention to COVID-19, a very different kind of ris...

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