Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles written by Mndot Aeronautics

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 14 of 14

  • Explore Minnesota By Air This Fall

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2021

    Explore Minnesota is encouraging people to get out and explore the rainbow of colorful fall foliage in Minnesota. To find your True North visit: Minnesota Vacations & Travel Guide: Explore Minnesota at Fly MN Airports! Passport program is sharing this opportunity to Explore MN by Air – Fall 2021 by encouraging you to get back into flying and visit unique places that are located near a Minnesota's public-use airport before Oct. 31, 2021. Just visit https://www.d...

  • Winter is coming, "are you ready?"

    Dan McDowell MnDOT Aeronautics|Nov 1, 2019

    The first question you should ask yourself is, if I am this cold now and I haven’t even left the ramp, how cold would I be if I had to execute an emergency landing when miles from a town or even just a mile from a farm house, for instance. Am I properly dressed to be safe during this flight? The answer is no, you aren’t. You should always dress for the conditions you are likely to encounter anywhere along your route of flight. Then, in the event of an unscheduled landing, you’ll be able to protect yourself and your passengers until help arriv... Full story

  • For EMERGENCY use only!

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2017

    Every pilot, and likely most people who have anything to do with the flying side of aviation, know that frequency 121.500 MHz (VHF) is dedicated to emergencies and distress calls specifically. It couldn't be more clearly stated than that. But apparently enough folks have been misusing 121.500 for general conversation and other non-appropriate chatter, causing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to issue an FCC Enforcement Advisory (EA). It was the first FCC issued EA for 2017. The... Full story

  • We are part of the community

    Dan McDowell MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2016

    Aviation as a whole is global in reach and scope, yet it maintains a feel of a tight-knit family. How often have you experienced, or overheard someone say they ran into someone they know at some out-of-the-way airport or destination who is in aviation? What are the chances for an encounter like that? In the community of aviation it is a frequent occurrence for many. That is one part of aviation that is always fun! That begs the question, what are we as aviation individuals, as well as aviation...

  • A partnership with the Sun

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2016

    "With the constant and rapid changes in technology that have been the norm for the past few decades, it is exciting to see where we were and where we are today. Just look at the changes in the capability of telephones. Twenty years ago a cell phone was only something corporations could afford. Those phones made and received calls, but did almost nothing else. Now you have phones that are more computer than phone and can do nearly anything a laptop or desktop computer can do. Some technologies,... Full story

  • Aviation in Minnesota

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2016

    The Minnesota Department of Transportation, office of Aeronautics collects taxes, safeguards the long-term viability of the state airports fund, plans and promotes a statewide system of airports, distributes state and federal aviation funding, provides navigational systems, enforces state and federal safety standards, offers technical resources, fosters aeronautics and aviation safety, and provides air transportation to state employees. Our Minnesota aviation system is funded by aviation user fees generated from aviation fuel tax, aircraft... Full story

  • Before you fly, verify!

    Daniel McDowell - MnDOT Aeronautics|Jun 1, 2016

    Dan McDowell Summer flying is arguably some of the most spectacular and fun to accomplish. The long sunny days give us plenty of daylight to work with. Once in the air the beauty of the shimmering lakes and varied shades of green that pass under our wings is simply amazing. Life and flight seem to be so easy, pleasurable, and simple. But the days of looking at a chart or two, filing a simple flight plan and taking off are long gone. Now because of the expanded use (and need) for Temporary... Full story

  • Passing of Master Aviatior Gerald M. Quilling

    Daniel McDowell MnDOT Aeronautics|Apr 1, 2016

    Aviation, while huge in its scope of dollars and cents, and in its impact on our lives today, retains two unique elements that are at best difficult to find in almost any other industry. Those two elements are overriding passion and family. If you have been active in aviation for a number of years, you can go most anywhere in the country and run into someone you know who is in aviation, or someone who knows well, a person you know well, in aviation. It is that kind of family thing that seems to... Full story

  • Pilot Gossman goes gold

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Mar 1, 2016

    Minnesota aviator Mitch Gossman recently completed the Fly Minnesota Passport Program. He received his custom leather flight jacket, aviator bag and hat at the Minnesota department of Transportation (MnDOT) office of Aeronautics, Friday, February 5, 2016. He was congratulated by Aeronautics Director Cassandra Isackson (left), Kathy Vesely, Assistant Director of Aeronautics (right), and Darlene Dahlseide, Fly Minnesota program manager (not shown). Gossman, (center) was all smiles as he received... Full story

  • MnDOT releases guidance for recreational drone purchasers, users

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Jan 1, 2016

    Planning on buying or receiving a recreational drone this holiday season? The Minnesota Department of Transportation offers some guidelines for operators of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (also known as Unmanned Aircraft Systems or drones) to keep them and the people around them safe. "Flying recreational drones can be fun. However, operators are responsible for the safe use of their UAV and for the safety of people who may be unaware a UAV is near them," said Rick Braunig, MnDOT aviation safety and... Full story

  • MnDOT Aeronautics Bulletin

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2015

    The Federal Aviation Administration,(FAA), your office of Aeronautics, and numerous General Aviation organizations work constantly to help pilots fly safely. News, education, guidance, and procedural documents can be produced with the best of information. But in the end it is up to the pilot to assure he/she is well trained, proficient, and truly ready for flight. Recently the FAA released a document titled: FAA Says Fly Safe: Prevent Loss of Control Accidents; National Safety Campaign Intended... Full story

  • MnDOT Aeronautics Bulletin

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2015

    It is time to think about CARB ICE! Actually any time is time to think about carb ice. So here is a simple reminder: According to FAA Advisory Circular 20-113, Pilot Precautions and Procedures to be taken in Preventing Aircraft Reciprocating Engine Induction System and Fuel System Icing Problems, "Heat should be applied for a short time to warm the induction system before beginning a prolonged descent with the engine throttled and left on during the descent. Power lever advancement should be... Full story

  • MnDOT Aeronautics Bulletin

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2015

    Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the federally chartered, all-volunteer U.S. Air Force auxiliary, is the newest member of the Air Force's Total Force, which consists of Regular Air Force, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, along with Air Force retired military and civilian employees. CAP, in its Total Force role, operates a fleet of 550 aircraft and performs about 85 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions (Nationally) as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center, an... Full story

  • MnDOT Aeronautics Bulletin

    MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2015

    It is a good idea to have your favorite mechanic remove your aircraft wheel pants for winter flight operations. By doing so, you will greatly reduce the chances of snow and ice buildup packing into the wheels and brakes, and freezing solid when you climb to altitude. Also, when you remove the wheel pants, you will be able to more clearly see the condition of the wheel, brake pads, and most of the tire. Have your qualified mechanic add an entry to your equipment revision list, and weight and... Full story

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