Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles written by Joe Anderson

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 3 of 3

  • Flight Risk Assessment Tools Remain Essential

    Joe Anderson, MnDOT Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2021

    As aviators, we know flying can be a highly rewarding activity. The sense of accomplishment which results from a well-executed flight is hard to beat. However, flying can also be a high-risk activity. Weather, terrain, aircraft unfamiliarity, pilot experience and many other factors all contribute to the overall risk picture. Do you have a tool which you use to help determine risk level prior to flying? A Flight Risk Assessment Tool (FRAT) is an essential item with which all pilots should be familiar, and is a required part of Safety Management...

  • Go Around. Ready or Not?

    Joe Anderson, Minnesota Department of Transportation Aeronautics|Dec 1, 2020

    Do you recall the last time you performed a go-around? Are go-arounds something you practice on a regular basis? Are you prepared to go-around with every lap in the traffic pattern and every instrument approach, or is your mind set on landing no matter what happens? As pilots we know that landing can be the most fun, challenging, and rewarding part of the flight. Have you noticed how passengers tend to judge the whole flight by the landing? Maybe you have had the experience, as I have, of flying on a gorgeous, smooth-air day when everything en...

  • Know the Rules for Safe Ground Vehicle Operations at Airports

    Joe Anderson, MnDOT Aeronautics|Sep 1, 2020

    According to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5210-20A, "Each year accidents, incidents, and runway incursions occur involving aircraft, pedestrians, ground vehicle drivers, and personnel taxiing or towing aircraft at airports. These accidents and incidents can lead to property damage, injuries, and even death." Most of us are accustomed to driving our vehicles on public roadways, with a thorough knowledge of the rules of the road and the operating expectations of ourselves and other drivers. However,...

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