Serving Midwest Aviation Since 1960

Articles written by james d. lakin phd md facp

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  • Aeromedical Forum

    James D. Lakin PhD MD FACP, CFI, CFII, MEI, Airline Transport Pilot, FAA Sen. aviation Medical Examiner|Feb 1, 2020

    What better flying weather than a crisp clear February day in Minnesota. You’d think you were flying a helicopter with the short takeoff runs. The air is smooth and the visibility unlimited in bright sunshine. The reflection from the snow is dazzling. I sure hope you didn’t forget those sunglasses! Sunglasses are a very important and often underappreciated piece of a pilot’s equipment. They are critical to optimize visual performance in the cockpit. If you have a good pair, they will reduce eye fatigue, reduce the negative effects of harsh...

  • Aeromedical Forum

    James D. Lakin PhD MD FACP, CFI,CFII,MEI, Airline Transport pilot, FAA Senior Aviation Medical Examiner|Jan 1, 2020

    It's winter flying season! Some of the best conditions imaginable can be had on a clear crisp winter morning in Minnesota. You ease the throttle forward and suddenly your C172 feels like a P52 Mustang as it takes off in nothing flat. Same with the climb as you plow through that calm solid air. So what could go wrong on a day like this? Unfortunately, weather that's good for aerodynamics isn't necessarily good for pilots. Of course, I'm talking about cold injury, something I try to touch on...

  • Aeromedical Forum

    James D. Lakin PhD MD FACP, CFI, CFII, MEI, Airline Transport Pilot, FAA Sen. Med. Examiner|Dec 1, 2019

    Aviation training doesn’t come cheap. So, when the FAA offers it for free, you might want to take a hard look. Of course, there’s a catch. Training is done in Oklahoma City, the headquarters of the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) which does take a few gallons of avgas to reach. However, this time of year, odds are it’s a good deal warmer and sunnier than here at home. Now that I’ve almost talked you into it, what training is available? The two big programs are CAMI’s Physiological Training Course and Basic Survival Skills for Gener...

  • Aeromedical Forum

    James D. Lakin PhD MD FACP, CFI, CFII, MEI, airline Transfer pilot, FAA Sen. Med. Examiner|Nov 1, 2019

    The weather is cooling down and you probably are cranking up the cockpit heater more often now. That’s fine. It’s hard to keep her straight and level when your teeth are chattering. But with the comfort of cockpit heat comes the possible discomfort of doing yourself in. Do I have your attention? Most general aviation aircraft use a time honored heating system where intake air is passed over the exhaust manifold of the engine. If you’ve ever bumped against a tailpipe you know that it’s red hot and has plenty of heat to spare. Using that heat to...

  • Aeromedical Forum

    James D. Lakin PhD MD FACP, CFI, CFII, MEI, Airline Transport Pilot, FAA Sen Medical Advisor|Oct 1, 2019

    A couple of months back an older gentleman came in for a flight physical. He’d flown a number of years ago and wanted to “get back in the game” now that all the kids were through college and on their own. His health record looked good. He seemed a reasonable candidate for hopping back into the cockpit. Then we tested his vision. Much to our mutual surprise he was blind as a bat! Well, not really blind but he was having trouble seeing 20/100. In case you’ve forgotten what the funny numbers...

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