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Not all aircraft owners have had anyone teach them about owning an airplane. I always tried to pass on some of that knowledge as I instructed, but many pilots lack a mentor in that area. One of the bigger issues I see is how people treat their aircraft after maintenance. It doesn't matter if it was in the shop for engine work or avionics, the return to service should be methodical and thorough. So many folks show up, grab the logbooks, and off they go into the wild blue without a second...
The pilot report, or PIREP, is an often appreciated bit of information, but how often do you actually submit one? PIREPs are, generally, only useful in a given area and for a small amount of time. Knowing this information, it is important to send them in often to aid your fellow pilots. It also helps ATC, meteorologists, accident investigators, and more. The next time you find cloud layers or turbulence, or some lovely smooth air in an otherwise sea of turbulent sky, consider filing a PIREP....
With the new ADS-B mandate taking effect last year, many people have recently upgraded their aircraft to include ADS-B Out. This meets the requirement but may not be the absolute best outcome when trying to increase your safety. As with many things, aiming for the minimum often leaves valuable resources on the table. This summer I did a few cross-country flights around Minnesota. There was a lot of smoke and haze, and the visibility was terrible. It’s still easily VFR but not great visibility and adds a layer of complexity to spotting t...
Everyone likes having their little toys. I feel, as pilots, we are especially attracted to new toys. The latest iPad mount for the cockpit, new avionics, a better headset, the list goes on. I am guilty of this as well. I have so many books and headsets and flight bags and kneeboards. However, I did recently add something to my pilot tools that I am oddly excited about: fire resistant clothes. Let me explain my reasoning. My flying attire has always favored the functional. No sandals, no synthetic fabric, nothing that restricts movement. But...
With the unseasonably warm weather, many of you likely took advantage to get in some flying. With cold weather on the forecast, we now have to prep for flying in cold. That might include making sure we have adequate cold weather gear in the aircraft in the event of mechanical problems. That can include an off airport landing or an issue on the ground during taxi. Murphys law states it will happen on the furthest taxiway from the nice warm FBO. Do you have enough warm clothing to safely walk to where you can get assistance? In addition to...
When do you cancel IFR? How do you make that determination? Lets examine a little about what your IFR clearance actually does for you. It means you have a cylinder of protected airspace around you where no other IFR traffic should be. What about VFR traffic? They are still allowed in your “personal bubble.” IFR and VFR traffic are altitude separated by 500 feet vertically. At least, as long as the VFR pilot is actually following the rules (and its shocking how often they don’t!) and assuming they are on a good altimeter so their altitude is ac...
Taking Advantage of Webinars It is likely that your flying has been impacted somehow by the unusual reality that we find ourselves in. Perhaps you haven’t been able to fly much and find your currency slipping. The gatherings at the airport, complete with all the usual hangar flying, haven’t been occurring. The aviation industry has been severely impacted. This is a good time to ensure you take your safety standards into consideration. While in person safety seminars are likely not occurring, there are a myriad of online options available. If...
As we enter the fall season, the time for migratory bird activity is upon us. Very few pilots have had any training on bird activity, bird strikes, or reporting of bird strikes. While not a frequently occurring hazard, there are an average of 26 bird strikes per day that are reported across the United States. Imagine how many strikes that go unreported. Now, lets run through a few facts on bird strikes. • There are up to 20 billion birds! • Worldwide, bird strikes are responsible for cau... Full story
I hope you never get hit with a laser but it is a situation that should be discussed before you get surprised. Unfortunately, shining aircraft with lasers is an increasingly popular past time for people often uneducated in its potential danger. There are thousands of reports of this activity yearly, with the number of events occurring increasing each year. Shining a laser on an aircraft is a federal offense that carries a large fine and jail time. In California a man was sentenced to two years i... Full story
Have you ever flown an ASR approach? Have you ever even heard of it? Most pilots haven't, and that's a shame because it could save your life. ASR is a Surveillance Approach that is offered by an air traffic controller utilizing a terminal radar (meaning you can only get it from an approach control and not a center controller). The controller is using the radar to talk you through the non-precision approach. When might you use this? Well, in an emergency is the most common time. This type of... Full story
With Spring fast approaching, we are all eager to get back to summer flying and the exciting activities such as fly ins, trips to the lake, and not having to log night flight at 4:30 in the afternoon! With this excitement, it is easy to overlook opportunities that we can take advantage of to make our aviation activities safer and more enjoyable. Many people are unaware of the excellent educational opportunities (and many are FREE) that the WINGs program offers. For seminars near you, visit... Full story
Drones have become a rapidly growing industry in the last few years. People fly them for a variety of reasons, including photography, research, farming applications, survey work, rescue work, and pleasure. With the growing number of drone owners, we can count on a growing number of manmade objects in the sky being flown by people who know nothing of aviation. Don’t get me wrong, there are numerous people who are very conscientious about their operations and conduct them safely and within regulation. Unfortunately, not everyone does so. You may... Full story
At the risk of being criticized for already bringing up the subject of Christmas, please let me remind you the Holiday Season is upon us. Another year has sped by. It seems like yesterday we had Christmas. It is no small frustration for me to have already seen Christmas decorations and displays in many stores. So, why do I choose to bring this up? The Tree of Hope drive, that's why! For those of you who do not know, there is a terrific team of aviators and aviation enthusiasts who collects toys... Full story
Many pilots are intimidated to ask for flight following, but it can be a great additional layer of safety for your flight! You'll get another set of eyes watching over you and helping you spot traffic and weather, and you'll already be talking to a professional should you have an emergency and need help. The benefits are numerous! So, how does one take advantage of this opportunity? All you have to do is ask. The biggest thing with flight following is communication. This leads into our first... Full story
Runway incursions are an increasingly more frequent issue that can catch an airman in a situation where they don't want to be. Out of roughly 80,000 daily operations in the National Airspace System, we are seeing an average of three runway incursions per day! We have ever increasingly complex airspace, increasing traffic volume, and ATC is at a 28 year staffing low with a great deal of training being conducted. All these are factors can meet and get the unprepared pilot in a bad situation.... Full story
Heather McNevin, CFI, Air Traffic Controller, NAFI Master Aviation Educator Have you ever landed at the wrong airport? Don’t worry, you are not alone. You may think this an impossible mistake given today’s technology but I assure you, people do it every year. Culprits range from student pilots to ATPs. In fact, a highly experienced flight crew for a major carrier just had this issue. In some locations, it happens, or nearly happens, several times a month! Often, these high occurrence areas will broadcast an advisory on the ATIS to warn pil... Full story